Abhyankar's Affine Arithmetic Conjecture for the Symmetric and Alternating Groups
A Entin, N Pirani - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03879, 2022 - arxiv.org
We prove that for any prime $p>2$, $q=p^\nu$ a power of $p$, $n\ge p$ and $G=S_n$ or $G=A_n$ (symmetric or alternating group) there exists a Galois extension $K/\mathbb F_q(T)$ ...
Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing
R MARTIN, I VOICULESCU, A BOWYER - Progress in Natural Science, 2002 - cnki.com.cn
正 This paper shows how tight bounds for the range of a bivariate polynomial can be found using a matrix method based on affine arithmetic. Then, this method is applied to drawing an ...
Cue integration using affine arithmetic and gaussians
S Goldenstein, C Vogler... - Technical Reports (CIS), 2002 - repository.upenn.edu
In this paper we describe how the connections between affine forms, zonotopes, and Gaussian distributions help us devise an automated cue integration technique for tracking ...
Error analysis and precision estimation for floating-point dot-products using affine arithmetic
TV Huynh, M Mücke - The 2011 International Conference on ..., 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... We apply affine arithmetic, an extension to interval arithmetic, to estimate the rounding error ... range of parameters and show that affine arithmetic with a probabilistic bounding operator is ...
A Novel Approach to Describe and Aggregate Multi-Energy Flexibility in Cellular Energy Systems Using Affine Arithmetic
SJ Rasti, P Schegner - ETG Congress 2021, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... This paper presents a flexibility model based on Affine Arithmetic which specifies allowed power and energy ranges while considering relations between time steps and energy forms. ...
Affine arithmetic and Bernstein hull methods for algebraic curve drawing
H Shou, R Martin, G Wang, I Voiculescu... - Uncertainty in Geometric ..., 2002 - Springer
... than using the power basis, and that affine arithmetic in the power basis is better than using ... using affine arithmetic with the Bernstein basis gives no advantage over affine arithmetic ...
Three-Phase Optimal Power Flow based on Affine Arithmetic
JP Morán, JC López, AP Feltrin - 2021 IEEE PES Innovative ..., 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... self-validation method called Affine Arithmetic. The affine shapes for tree-phase variables was performed using the theoretical approach of Reduced Affine Arithmetic together with the ...
Load flow analysis of a power system network in the presence of uncertainty using complex affine arithmetic
YM Abebe, PM Rao, MG Nak - International Journal of Engineering ..., 2017 - mecs-press.net
... On this paper, a novel complex affine arithmetic (AA) based load flow analysis in the presence of generation and load uncertainties is proposed. The proposed approach is tested on an ...
Affine Arithmetic Based Methods for Power Systems Analysis Considering Intermittent Sources of Power
JC Munoz Guerrero - 2014 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
... Thus, this thesis proposes computationally efficient Affine Arithmetic (AA)-based approaches for voltage and transient stability assessment of power systems, considering uncertainties ...
Approximating parametric curves with strip trees using affine arithmetic
LH De Figueiredo, J Stolfi... - Proceedings. XV Brazilian ..., 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... We show how to use affine arithmetic to represent a parametric curve with a strip tree. The ... by exploiting the linear correlation information given by affine arithmetic. As an application, we ...
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