Affine Method for Multi-objective Optimizing Configuration of Battery Energy Storage System
W Shouxiang, W Han - 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society ..., 2018 -
... In this paper, affine arithmetic is proposed to solve the uncertain power flow in the transmission system considering both randomness of the wind power and the load. An approach to ...
Semi-symbolic analysis of mixed-signal systems including discontinuities
C Radojicic, C Grimm, J Moreno... - 2014 Design, Automation ..., 2014 -
... A less formal approach is semi-symbolic simulation [8] based on Affine Arithmetic [9]) that we use in this work. For simulation we use (symbolic) affine expressions instead of real values. ...
Numerical reproducibility of high-performance computations using floating-point or interval arithmetic
N Revol, P Théveny - Challenges in 21st Century Experimental ..., 2014 -
... My current effort: promote the use of interval arithmetic or some variants: Taylor models,
Improved methodologies for security of electricity supply of future power system
D Fang - 2020 -
... /affine arithmetic for a comprehensive evaluation of related uncertainties. Affine arithmetic is ... reduce overestimation errors, the affine arithmetic approach is combined with probabilistic (...
A global optimization method for solving parametric linear systems whose input data are rational functions of interval parameters
I Skalna - International Conference on Parallel Processing and ..., 2009 - Springer
... Revised affine arithmetic is used to handle the nonlinear dependencies. The Direct Method performs the monotonicity test to speed up the convergence of the global optimization. It is ...
A self-validated computation approach to symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits
B Thanigaivelan, A Postula, Y Ding - Symbolic Methods and ..., 2006 -
... Affine Arithmetic models used for Self-Validated Computation or SVC. The expressions obtained using our approach, based on the affine arithmetic ... Computation and Affine Arithmetic. ...
Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamic Problems
S Chakraverty, S Rout - Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain ..., 2020 - Springer
... To find these eigenvalues, we have adopted an affine arithmetic approach. In this regard, all the interval coefficient (Eq. (7.19)) matrices have been transformed into affine form ...
Interval Valued Variational Analysis Using the Arithmetic of Higher Order Polynomial
Y Zou, Y Cai, Q Zhou, X Hong... - ... , Circuits and Systems, 2006 -
... Abstract- In this paper, we discuss the two extensions of Affine Arithmetic, one through using higher order polynomial approximations, and the other is through partitioning the tolerance ...
An efficient algorithm of performing range analysis for fixed-point arithmetic circuits based on SAT checking
Y Pang, K Radecka - 2011 IEEE International Symposium of ..., 2011 -
... The main disadvantages of past methods, such as dynamic analysis or affine arithmetic, lie in ... The affine arithmetic model (AA) is a derivation of IA, in which the quantities of interest are ...
Exceptional polynomials with 2-transitive affine monodromy groups
F Möller - Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
... In this paper all exceptional polynomials having a doubly transitive affine arithmetic monodromy group are classified. We show that these polynomials belong to well-known families of ...
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