Fast and Accurate Interval Arithmetic through Neural Network Approximation
J Dinerstein, P Egbert, N Dinerstein -
... computer graphics is affine arithmetic, which we review next. ... Affine arithmetic has been successfully applied to several ... superior accuracy of affine arithmetic over traditional interval ...
A-21 Affine Arithmetic における最良乗算の実現 (数値計算, A. アルゴリズム・基礎)
宮島信也, 宮田孝富, 柏木雅英 - 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演 ..., 2002 -
Appllicatiions of Speciifiicatiion and Desiign Languages for SoCs
A Vachoux - 2006 - Springer
... Semisymbolic Simulation with Affine Arithmetic 157 2.1 Basic Concepts of Affine
Uncertain Power Flow Algorithm for Hybrid AC/DC Grids Incorporating VSCs
P Du, M Yang, J Yang, Y Zhou - 2019 IEEE 3rd International ..., 2019 -
... In this paper, affine arithmetic based sequential AC/DC power flow method is established. It can ... In the affine arithmetic based sequential AC/DC power flow method, the VSC bus is ...
Interval Branch and Bound Algorithms: from theory to applications
... Stolfi, Affine arithmetic and its applications to computer graphics, in Proceedings of SIBGRAPI’93-VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, pp. 9–18...
Co-simulation framework for variation analysis of radio frequency transceivers
S Adhikari, F Schupfer, C Grimm - Proceedings of the 2012 ..., 2012 -
... In this article we proposed a co-simulation environment which uses affine arithmetic as variational analysis method. The result is an efficient and completely covered co-simulation ...
B*-tree based variability-aware floorplanning
W Zhang, S Srivastava, Y Ha - 2010 IEEE Asia Pacific ..., 2010 -
... In this paper, we use an affine arithmetic (AA) model to develop a fast and optimized variability-aware floorplanner. The AA model enables a fast and accurate estimation of the variable ...
On Solving Aircraft Conflict Avoidance Using Deterministic Global Optimization (sBB) Codes
S Cafieri, F Messine, A Touhami - ... GOW'16 4-8 ..., 2016 -
... We propose a new quadratic convex relaxation technique based on affine arithmetic. Moreover, a branching strategy is also proposed for the considered problem. Preliminary numerical ...
Numerical Method of Proving Existence of Solution for Nonlinear ODE using Green's Function Expression
Y Kanzawa, S Oishi -
... We have used Affine Arithmetic instead of Interval Arithmetic in order to avoid the explosion of interval as the result of calculation [4]. In this paper, we shall revise the form of Krawczyk...
An interval computation approach for power components overload protection in the presence of data uncertainty
A Vaccaro, D Villacci - International Journal of Reliability ..., 2007 -
... To address this problem, we use Affine Arithmetic (AA). In particular, AA can be used to calculate the component's hot spot temperature by solving a thermal dynamic model where ...
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