ABD 1: Property-based verification
AS Farghaly - Proceeding of the 2012 Forum on Specification ..., 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... The second paper presents the use of affine arithmetic to model typical properties of mixed-signal devices and check the impact of parameter deviations on the system behavior. The ...
Csg operations of arbitrary primitives with interval arithmetic and real-time ray casting
Y Hijazi, A Knoll, M Schott, A Kensler... - Dagstuhl Follow ..., 2010 - drops.dagstuhl.de
... Also comparing interval and (reduced) affine arithmetic as in [9] for the task of CSG modeling may lead to interesting observations. Another direction would be to work on the interaction ...
Implementation of Taylor models in CORA 2018
M Althoff, D Grebenyuk... - Proc. of the 5th ..., 2018 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
... affine arithmetic are conceptually identical [17, Sec. 5], we will only consider affine arithmetic ... is a zeroth-order Taylor model and affine arithmetic is a first-order Taylor model when the ...
Efficient parallel vectors feature extraction from higher-order data
C Pagot, D Osmari, F Sadlo, D Weiskopf... - Computer Graphics ..., 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Through the evaluation of the inclusion form of the PV operator using reduced affine
An interval power flow analysis through optimizing-scenarios method
C Zhang, H Chen, K Shi, M Qiu, D Hua... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Performance of the proposed approach is compared with that of previously established methods, including the affine arithmetic-based method as well as Monte Carlo simulation method...
Protein Structure Reconstruction with Data Uncertainties
I Sendin, SK Goldenstein, C Lavor - ic.unicamp.br
... We propose a new hybrid method that uses affine arithmetic and particles to control the uncertainty propagation, while the protein structure is constructed. The method was successfully ...
Interval radial power flow using extended DistFlow formulation and Krawczyk iteration method with sparse approximate inverse preconditioner
T Ding, F Li, X Li, H Sun, R Bo - IET Generation, Transmission ..., 2015 - Wiley Online Library
... [8] presented an affine arithmetic-based method to take into ... [9] describes a quadratic
Interval optimization for integrated electrical and natural-gas systems with combined cooling, heating, and power considering demand response
S Yuan, S Wang, Z Meng - International Transactions on ..., 2020 - Wiley Online Library
... Next, the interval optimization model is solved by the improved interval linear programming method, in which affine arithmetic is applied in the solving progress to get less conservative ...
DŒ Œx, DŒ Œy - Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain ... - morganclaypool.com
2.5. 5 INTERVAL RECIPROCAL Page 45 2.5. INTERVAL ARITHMETIC 25 Solution: The intervals are given by Œx D Œ14; 29 and Œy D Œ9; 6: Here, the interval bounds of the two ...
Rijndael arithmetic analyse and optimize
F Zhang, Y Niu - 2008 4th International Conference on Wireless ..., 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... algorithm on finite field GF(28 )and the affine arithmetic on finite field GF(2) . Among those, the affine arithmetic can eliminate the fixed points 0 and 1 of multiplication on finite field. ...
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