Towards verification of uncertain cyber-physical systems
C Radojicic, C Grimm, A Jantsch... - arXiv preprint arXiv ..., 2017 -
... Affine arithmetic has been used in this context for the static analysis of rounding errors in DSP ... Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams We represent hybrid uncertainties by affine arithmetic ...
SQNR estimation of fixed-point DSP algorithms
G Caffarena, C Carreras, JA López... - EURASIP Journal on ..., 2010 - Springer
... The proposed estimator is based on the use of Affine Arithmetic (AA) and it is presented in two versions: (i) a general version suitable for differentiable nonlinear algorithms, and Linear ...
A ne Arithmetic
MVA Andrade, JLD Comba, J Stolfi -
Interval arithmetic (IA), also known as interval analysis, is a technique for numerical computation where each quantity is represented by an interval of oatingpoint numbers. Those ...
Calculating frequency response functions for uncertain systems using complex affine analysis
G Manson - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005 - Elsevier
... uncertain parameters based around a complex affine arithmetic framework. It is anticipated ... of several basic operations in interval and affine arithmetic. Section 6 benchmarks the two ...
Evaluation of Electric Vehicles Hosting Capacity Based on Interval Undervoltage Probability in a Distribution Network
TH Kim, D Kim, SI Moon - IEEE Access, 2021 -
... with uncertainty using interval and affine arithmetic, which was also ... 1) EV load modeling using interval and affine arithmetic ... on interval and affine arithmetic and the procedure of EV HC ...
Voltage Sensitivity Analysis Based PV Hosting Capacity Evaluation Considering Uncertainties
Y Dong, S Wang, L Yu - 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society ..., 2020 -
... Meanwhile, the application of interval arithmetic (IA) and affine arithmetic (AA) can overcome the shortcomings of probabilistic approaches in dealing with uncertainties. The IEEE 33-...
Statistical energy analysis for the vibro-acoustic system with interval parameters
Q Chen, Q Fei, S Wu, Y Li - Journal of Aircraft, 2019 -
... The affine arithmetic is proposed to alleviate the interval extension problem. In the affine
A new intersection algorithm for parametric surfaces based on linear interval estimations
K Bühler, W Barth - Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval ..., 2001 - Springer
... case on a linear taylor approximation of the patch and an interval estimation of the Lagrange remainder and in the second case on the use of the intrinsic structure of affine arithmetic. ...
Improved interval-based characterization of fixed-point LTI systems with feedback loops
JA López, C Carreras... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2007 -
... It is based on a nonlinear adaptation of the quantization operations of affine arithmetic (AA). The results obtained with this method are compared to other published interval-based ...
Robust plotting of polar algebraic curves, space algebraic curves, and offsets of planar algebraic curves
H Shou, J Shen, D Yoon - Reliable computing, 2006 - Springer
... In [5] de Figueiredo used affine arithmetic instead of interval ... We would like to use the modified affine arithmetic (MAA) ... and the standard affine arithmetic method has already been ...
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