Certifying solutions for numerical constraints
E Darulova, V Kuncak - International Conference on Runtime Verification, 2012 - Springer
... roundoff errors we have shown affine arithmetic to provide (... a tighter range, since affine
Sign-extension avoidance and word-length optimization by positive-offset representation for FIR filter design
R Huang, CH Chang, M Faust, N Lotze... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Affine arithmetic is used to model the excess offsets in order to curtail the word-length (WL) expansion problem. Tighter probabilistically justified WL bounds are determined to enable ...
A verified algorithm for geometric zonotope/hyperplane intersection
F Immler - Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Certified ..., 2015 - dl.acm.org
... Zonotopes are the geometric objects that arise when computing with affine arithmetic (AA) [5]. They improve over interval arithmetic by their ability to track linear dependencies and have ...
Robustness of model-based simulations
G Fainekos, S Sankaranarayanan... - 2009 30th IEEE Real ..., 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Since there is no publicly available affine arithmetic toolbox for Matlab, we developed our own package AALab (Affine Arithmetic Laboratory). AALab provides a class for AA quantities ...
Fast and reliable plotting of implicit curves
K Buehler - Uncertainty in Geometric Computations, 2002 - Springer
... arithmetic by affine arithmetic. Voiculescu ... affine arithmetic [13] improves the result and the performance of the subdivision algorithm. The algorithms based on interval or affine arithmetic ...
UAFEA: Unified analytical framework for IA/AA-based error analysis of fixed-point polynomial specifications
M Grailoo, B Alizadeh... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... overestimation keeping efficiency is introducing a unified analytical framework for the two most popular self-validated numerical methods, ie, interval arithmetic (IA) and affine-arithmetic (...
An efficient method to perform range analysis for DSP circuits
Y Pang, K Radecka, Z Zilic - 2010 17th IEEE International ..., 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... The affine arithmetic model (AA) is a derivation of lA, in which the quantities of interest are represented as linear combinations (affine forms) of certain primitive variables standing for ...
Computer-Aided Verification for Iterative Matrix Inversion Problems in Systems and Control
VA Tsachouridis, G Giantamidis, S Basagiannis... - ... European Workshop on ..., 2022 - Springer
... for the approach presented in this paper on combining results from algorithmic convergence studies, together with automatic exploration of reachable states based on affine arithmetic ...
An Interval Power Flow in AC/DC Hybrid System with Uncertainty
S Leng, X Ran, K Liu, S Chen... - 2019 IEEE PES Asia ..., 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... As one of interval algorithms, affine arithmetic (AA) optimization has high-precision results[10]. ... Villacci, "An affine arithmetic-based methodology for reliable power flow analysis in the ...
Reactive power optimization under interval uncertainty by the linear approximation method and its modified method
C Zhang, H Chen, Z Liang, M Guo... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... To obtain more accurate intervals for the state variables, the affine arithmeticbased power flow calculation is used to solve the interval power flow equation instead of crude computation ...
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