Interval overvoltage risk based PV hosting capacity evaluation considering PV and load uncertainties
S Wang, Y Dong, L Wu, B Yan - IEEE Transactions on Smart ..., 2019 -
... Next, this method is improved considering PV and load uncertainties, where the interval arithmetic (IA) and affine arithmetic (AA) are both applied to deal with uncertainties. In addition, ...
A new subdivision algorithm for the intersection of parametric surfaces
K Bühler - 2001 -
... Besides of a formal definition and characterization of LIEs, two reliable methods for the computation of LIEs are introduced based on a new understanding of the use of affine arithmetic ...
Combining multiple inclusion representations in numerical constraint propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud... - 16th IEEE International ..., 2004 -
... In Section 4, we propose some modifications to affine arithmetic to make it efficient for the computations proposed in this paper. In Section 5, we propose a novel generic scheme which ...
Efficient probabilistic model checking of systems with ranged probabilities
K Ghorbal, PS Duggirala, V Kahlon, F Ivančić... - International Workshop ..., 2012 - Springer
... We leverage affine arithmetic to propagate the first-order error terms. Higher-order error ... Our technique leverages affine arithmetic, which has been successfully applied in various ...
Certificate Checking in Coq and HOL4 for Static Analyses of Mixed-Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic
R Monat, E Darulová - 2017 -
... In Section 4, I describe another ongoing work, which is a formalization of affine arithmetic in Coq. Section 5 provides a brief related work. The conclusion of my report also describes ...
Prediction of Transient Statistical Energy Response for Two-Subsystem Models Considering Interval Uncertainty
Q Chen, Q Fei, S Wu, Y Li - Journal of ..., 2019 -
... Affine arithmetic [20], an extension of traditional interval arithmetic, tracks the dependency ... can be significantly improved by using affine arithmetic. In affine arithmetic, the symbolic real ...
Affine 演算の可能性クラスタリングへの適用について
神澤雄智 - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告; 信学技報, 2014 -
... (英) In this report, applying affine arithmetic to possibilistic c-means clustering is proposed. Setting cluster ... タイトル(英) On Applying Affine Arithmetic to Possibilistic Clustering ...
Embedded tutorial: Analog-/mixed-signal verification methods for ams coverage analysis
E Barke, A Fürtig, C Grimm, L Hedrich... - ... , Automation & Test ..., 2016 -
... In the next chapter, we present an approach to integrate uncertainties into system-level analog simulations using affine arithmetic. To consider formerly not modelled properties in ...
Performance bound analysis of analog circuits considering process variations
Z Hao, SXD Tan, R Shen, G Shi - Proceedings of the 48th Design ..., 2011 -
... a review on interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic. Our proposed performance bound analysis ... Next we show how affine arithmetic can be applied to compute the variational transfer ...
Interval optimal power flow applied to distribution networks under uncertainty of loads and renewable resources
P Chen, X Xiao, X Wang - Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean ..., 2019 - Springer
... fully and achieve strict operational bounds under the uncertainties from loads and sources, this paper derives an interval optimal power flow (I-OPF) method employing affine arithmetic ...
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