MBMV 2020 Error Analysis for Loop Programs using Anytime Instructions in Approximate Computing
O Keszocze, M König, M Brand, J Teich - researchgate.net
... To (partially) overcome this restriction, affine arithmetic has been developed. ... Affine Arithmetic In affine arithmetic, a range of values is represented as a multivariate polynomial of degree ...
Bringing Uncertainties into System Simulation: A SystemC AMS Case Study
C Zivkovic, C Grimm, J Kölsch, D Short... - 2020 Forum for ..., 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... In Section II we describe uncertainty tables and give a brief summary affine-arithmetic based symbolic simulation. In Sections III and IV we describe the industrial case study. The ...
Fuzzy-Affine Approach in Dynamic Analysis of Uncertain Structural Systems
S Rout, S Chakraverty - Soft Computing in Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2022 - Springer
... The concept of affine arithmetic and its applications in computer graphics ... affine arithmetic can overcome it. Further, the concepts, properties, and several applications of affine arithmetic ...
An accurate join for zonotopes, preserving affine input/output relations
E Goubault, T Le Gall, S Putot - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer ..., 2012 - Elsevier
... 2.1 Affine arithmetic, zonotopes and affine sets Affine arithmetic is an extension of interval arithmetic on affine forms, first introduced in [2], that takes into account affine correlations ...
Comparing inclusion techniques on chemical engineering problems
A Baharev, E Rév - SCAN'2008 El Paso, Texas September 29 ..., 2008 - researchgate.net
... ∎ Affine arithmetic keeps track of first-order correlation between computed and input ... ∎ Numerical evidence suggests that affine arithmetic is a competing linearization compared to the ...
Fast and accurate interval-based timing estimator for variability-aware fpga physical synthesis tools
CS Lee, WT Loke, W Zhang... - ... Conference on Field ..., 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... On the other hand, affine arithmetic (AA) [7], which is a novel ... With our motivation in mind, we employ affine arithmetic in ... A short introduction to interval and affine arithmetic is pre...
ICAT: engine to perform range analysis and allocate bit-widths for arithmetic datapaths
Y Pang, Y Yan, J Lin, G Li, H Huang, L Shi... - Journal of Circuits ..., 2015 - World Scientific
... The hybrid method, ICAT, combines four techniques, including Interval arithmetic, consistency checking, affine arithmetic and arithmetic transform and is the only method that is aware ...
Numerical verification of equilibrium location bounds and local stability for nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainty
MG Spetzler, A Narang-Siddarth - 2016 IEEE 55th Conference ..., 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... The definitions and notation used in this paper deviate somewhat from the affine arithmetic ... Affine arithmetic defines objects called affine quantities that represent sets of elements from ...
Towards abstract analysis techniques for range based system simulations
F Schupfer, M Kärgel, C Grimm, M Olbrich... - System Specification and ..., 2012 - Springer
... Affine Arithmetic labels the ranges by symbols which allows the instant backtracking of the system response contributions to their sources. Although the most published work ...
On Rigorous Numerical Computation as a Scala Library
E Darulová, V Kuncak - 2010 - infoscience.epfl.ch
... Indeed, if we use affine arithmetic on the same ... or affine arithmetic computation implies the correctness of our overall approach: for each operation in interval or affine arithmetic the ...
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