A dividing method utilizing the best multiplication in affine arithmetic
S Miyajima, M Kashiwagi - IEICE Electronics Express, 2004 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Affine arithmetic (AA) is a variant of interval arithmetic. In AA, it is difficult to realize the efficient nonlinear binomial operations. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new dividing ...
Affine arithmetic-based coordinated interval power flow of integrated transmission and distribution networks
K Tang, S Dong, C Zhu, Y Song - IEEE Transactions on Smart ..., 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... To deal with these challenges, this paper proposes an affine arithmetic-... affine arithmetic-based interval power flow model for IT&D networks. Section II-A summarizes the affine arithmetic...
Extended affine arithmetic-based global sensitivity analysis for power flow with uncertainties
X Liao, K Liu, J Le, S Zhu, Q Huai, B Li... - International Journal of ..., 2020 - Elsevier
... affine arithmetic was proposed in this paper. With input uncertain variables described as intervals, the power flow output models based on extended affine arithmetic ... affine arithmetic-...
Affine arithmetic based solution of uncertain static and dynamic problems
S Chakraverty, S Rout - Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics ..., 2020 - morganclaypool.com
... As such, this book addresses the solution of uncertain static and dynamic problems based on affine arithmetic approaches. Affine arithmetic is one of the recent developments designed ...
Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing
HH Shou, R Martin, I Voiculescu... - Progress in Natural ..., 2002 - researchportal.bath.ac.uk
This paper shows how tight bounds for the range of a bivariate polynomial can be found using a matrix method based on affine arithmetic. Then, this method is applied to drawing an ...
Interval methods for ray casting implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic
A De Cusatis, LH De Figueiredo... - ... on Computer Graphics ..., 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... We study the performance of affine arithmetic as a replacement for ... of affine arithmetic in interval methods for ray casting implicit surfaces. As we argue in Section 5, affine arithmetic ...
Improved affine arithmetic based optimisation model for interval power flow analysis
C Xu, W Gu, F Gao, X Song, X Meng... - IET Generation ..., 2016 - Wiley Online Library
... This study proposes a new solution method based on linear approximation of the affine
Interval power flow analysis via multi-stage affine arithmetic for unbalanced distribution network
Y Wang, Z Wu, X Dou, M Hu, Y Xu - Electric Power Systems Research, 2017 - Elsevier
... In this paper, an interval power flow method via multi-stage affine arithmetic is proposed to address the impact of distributed generation output power and load uncertainty on the power ...
An affine arithmetic method to solve the stochastic power flow problem based on a mixed complementarity formulation
M Pirnia, CA CaƱizares... - 2012 IEEE Power and ..., 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An affine-based stochastic power flow problem is proposed in this paper. First, a novel optimization-based model of the power flow problem using complementarity conditions to ...
Affine arithmetic-based methodology for energy hub operation-scheduling in the presence of data uncertainty
A Vaccaro, C Pisani, AF Zobaa - IET Generation, Transmission ..., 2015 - Wiley Online Library
... To overcome these limitations, in this paper a more effective self-validated paradigm based on affine arithmetic (AA) is proposed to solve the energy hub operation-scheduling problem [...
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