Automated Dynamic Error Analysis Methods for Optimization of Computer Arithmetic Systems
MF BE - 2015 -
... Several systems have been proposed for the analysis of floating point arithmetic including Interval Arithmetic, Affine Arithmetic and Monte Carlo Arithmetic. While these systems have ...
Improved interval optimization method based on differential evolution for microgrid economic dispatch
S Wang, X Fan, L Han, L Ge - Electric Power Components and ..., 2015 - Taylor & Francis
... algorithm based on the DE algorithm and affine arithmetic for the DED problem of the ... , and interval estimation methods by adopting affine arithmetic calculating rules, the multisection ...
Numerical analysis of robot dynamics algorithms
M Li - 2012 -
... In addition, we use the CESTAC (Controle et Estimation Stochastique des Arrondic de Calculs) and the affine arithmetic (AA) to estimate the propagation of round-off errors in robot ...
An improved interval linearization for solving nonlinear problems
LV Kolev - Numerical Algorithms, 2004 - Springer
... Form (3) can be obtained automatically using the modified affine arithmetic presented in section 3. Several properties of this arithmetic permit in certain cases a better enclosure of the ...
Mathematical programming based debugging
L Liberti, S Le Roux, J Leconte, F Marinelli - Electronic Notes in Discrete ..., 2010 - Elsevier
... The main innovation proposed in this paper is that, at least for computer programs with integer affine arithmetic, our approach provides both an optimality guarantee for all such ...
A robust parity test for extracting parallel vectors in 3D
T Ju, M Cheng, X Wang, Y Duan - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2014 -
... [7] uses reduced affine arithmetic to conservatively estimate the presence of PV points in a ... be substantial since the test based on affine arithmetic is conservative. Finally, the technique ...
Hyson: Set-based simulation of hybrid systems
O Bouissou, S Mimram... - 2012 23rd IEEE ..., 2012 -
... Of course as xk and xk+1 are sets encoded in affine arithmetic, we will compute a time interval [tl, tr] that contains all the possible zero-crossing instants for any approximate trajectory ...
A new method for computing a p-solution to parametric interval linear systems with affine-linear and nonlinear dependencies
I Skalna, M HladÃk - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
... They eliminate the main deficiency of the standard affine arithmetic (AA) [3,4,5,6], ie, the ... Revised affine arithmetic (RAA), like standard affine arithmetic, produces guaranteed enclosures ...
Applying uncertainty considerations to energy conservation equations
IA Macdonald, JA Clarke - Energy and buildings, 2007 - Elsevier
... Only affine arithmetic accounts for these correlations. To achieve this, uncertainty ... This equation is now extended to include uncertainties through the use of affine arithmetic. The ...
Tuning PI controller in non-linear uncertain closed-loop systems with interval analysis
J Alexandre dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot... - ... on Synthesis of ..., 2015 -
... interval analysis and particularly affine arithmetic to tighten the ... Evaluating e with affine
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