Low-Energy Instruction Precision Assignment for Multi-mode Multiplier Under Accuracy and Performance Constraints
SR Kuang, KY Wu - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2015 - Springer
... To easily set and check the accuracy constraint, we first build an affine arithmetic based error model to evaluate the overall output accuracy loss caused by inaccurate FP MOPs. ...
Synthesizing Power and Area Efficient Image Processing Pipelines on FPGAs using Customized Bit-widths
V Benara, Z Choudhury, S Purini... - arXiv preprint arXiv ..., 2018 - arxiv.org
... easily deploying any kind of interval/affine arithmetic based range analyses in the DSL compiler. Thirdly, we show that interval/affine arithmetic based techniques fail to take into account ...
On the Generation of Precise Fixed-Point Expressions
E Darulova, V Kuncak, R Majumdar, I Saha - 2013 - infoscience.epfl.ch
... , we use a static analysis based on affine arithmetic to compute an upper bound on the error. ... tions in using static analysis based on affine-arithmetic, but our search method works with ...
Work in Progress: Reachability Analysis for Time-triggered Hybrid Systems, The Platoon Benchmark
F Bidet, É Goubault, S Putot - lix.polytechnique.fr
... First, the Taylor models are not built and evaluated in affine arithmetic like in our approach. Moreover, the physical time of the system is not directly accessible to evaluate transitions’ ...
Variation-aware behavioral models of analog circuits using support vector machines with interval parameters
A Krause, M Olbrich, E Barke - 2014 6th Computer Science ..., 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... INTERVAL-VALUED SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES From the definition of affine arithmetic we formulate the following conditions for the creation of behavioral models: 1) Parameters ...
Optimal Integrated Energy System Planning with DG Uncertainty Affine Model and Carbon Emissions Charges
L Ge, H Liu, J Yan, X Zhu, S Zhang... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Compared to the stochastic optimization and interval methods, the affine arithmetic approach can effectively tackle the deterministic data and interval conservatism by modeling the DG ...
Efficient and Secure (H) ECC Scalar Multiplication with Twin Multipliers
T Lange, PK Mishra - hyperelliptic.org
... • As in binary fields the I/M ratio is between 8 to 10, one prefers affine arithmetic. • Affine
An efficient bi-objective optimization framework for statistical chip-level yield analysis under parameter variations
X Li, J Sun, F Xiao, J Tian - Frontiers of Information Technology & ..., 2016 - Springer
... We suggest a novel bi-objective optimization framework based on Chebyshev affine
Variational Circuit Simulator based on a Unified Methodology using Arithmetic over Taylor Polynomials
Q Zhou, Y Zou, Y Cai, X Hong - APCCAS 2006-2006 IEEE Asia ..., 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... It inspires us that a computer arithmetic which is similar to affine arithmetic, the arithmetic based on Taylor polynomials, may provide a unified solution for variational analysis, also it may ...
Reachability analysis of nonlinear odes using polytopic based validated runge-kutta
J Alexandre dit Sandretto, J Wan - International Conference on ..., 2018 - Springer
... , affine arithmetic [5, 14] is to be used instead of interval arithmetic for validated Runga-Kutta.
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