Floating-point to fixed-point transformation using extreme value theory
L Zhang, Y Zhang, W Zhou - 2009 Eighth IEEE/ACIS ..., 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Range results obtained by 108 random generated simulations and analytical method in [4], which uses Affine Arithmetic (AA) to analyze integer and fractional bit-widths, are listed in ...
Fast and accurate computation of the round-off noise of linear time-invariant systems
JALGCC Carreras, O Nieto-Taladriz - 2008 - academia.edu
... Abstract: From its introduction in the last decade, affine arithmetic (AA) has shown beneficial properties to speed up the time of computation procedures in a wide variety of areas. In the ...
Interval Arithmetic
JM Muller, N Brunie, F Dinechin, CP Jeannerod... - Handbook of Floating ..., 2018 - Springer
... Several variants of interval arithmetic have been developed to cure the variable dependency problem, such as affine arithmetic or Taylor models. They will be briefly explained in ...
A critical Review on distributed generation planning in Distribution Networks
B Singh, A Prasad, A Pratap... - ... on Electrical and ..., 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper shows the study on coordinated management of various kinds of distributed generations (DGs) like DG1, DG2, DG3 and DG4 in distribution networks with static and realistic ...
Hybrid Probabilistic and Interval Load Flow Calculation based on Data Clustering
C Wang, F Tang, Y Zhang, W Liang... - 2020 12th IEEE PES ..., 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Then, HPILF can be transformed into a number of interval load flow (ILF) calculations and solved by the well-established affine arithmetic methods. The performance of the proposed ...
False data injection attack detection based on interval affine state estimation
Y Wang, A Xing, Z Qu, X Han, H Dong... - Electric Power Systems ..., 2022 - Elsevier
... Compared with interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic can more effectively reduce the conservativeness of the result when performing linear calculations. After the calculation steps of ...
Affine relaxations for the solutions of constrained parametric ordinary differential equations
SM Harwood, PI Barton - Optimal Control Applications and ..., 2018 - Wiley Online Library
... can be obtained in an automated way through some sort of affine arithmetic, as mentioned before. We could proceed by the affine arithmetic of Harwood20 , Ch. 3 or Taylor model ...
A comparison of interval methods in symbolic circuit analysis applications
B Thanigaivelan, TJ Hamilton, A Postula - ANZIAM Journal, 2010 - journal.austms.org.au
... This article is concerned with using interval methods-such as Affine Arithmetic (aa) [6], Revised Affine Arithmetic (raa) [5], Extension to Affine Arithmetic (eaa) [4], and Generalized ...
Multivariate dependent interval finite element analysis via convex hull pair constructions and the Extended Transformation Method
M Faes, D Moens - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and ..., 2019 - Elsevier
Classical (independent) interval analysis considers a hyper-cubic input space consisting of independent intervals. This stems from the inability of intervals to model dependence and ...
A formally verified motion planner for autonomous vehicles
A Rizaldi, F Immler, B Schürmann, M Althoff - International Symposium on ..., 2018 - Springer
... Compared to VeriPhy, we use affine arithmetic and VeriPhy uses interval arithmetic-a special case of affine arithmetic. However, our approach needs to trust the code generation setup ...
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