PCU: the programmable culling unit
J Hasselgren, T Akenine-Möller - ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, 2007 - dl.acm.org
... reasons for discarding affine arithmetic (apart ... affine arithmetic, and that the texture lookups instantly break all linear dependencies. We did some preliminary tests using affine arithmetic ...
A fast and flexible accuracy-guaranteed fractional bit-widths optimization approach
L Zhang, Y Zhang, W Zhou - 2009 IEEE International ..., 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... [5] use Affine Arithmetic (AA), which considers the correlations among signals, to model range and precision analyses. However range and precision are solved in one single affine ...
Extended analysis of a damage prognosis approach based on interval arithmetic
C Surace, K Worden - Strain, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... to interval arithmetic, termed affine arithmetic [15], which, in many ... Another advantage of
A solution algorithm for a system of interval linear equations based on the constraint interval point of view
M Keyanpour, M Taber, W Lodwick - Realible Comput, 2018 - interval.louisiana.edu
... There, in particular, affine arithmetic of [13] is discussed. In [5] many types of interval arithmetics are discussed, not just affine arithmetic. Affine arithmetic deals with dependencies via a ...
An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory
D Ashlock, C Lee - Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and ..., 2020 - morganclaypool.com
This text is intended as an introduction to mathematical proofs for students. It is distilled from the lecture notes for a course focused on set theory subject matter as a means of teaching ...
A reliable affine relaxation method for global optimization
J Ninin, P Hansen, F Messine - 2010 - optimization-online.org
... In this paper, the main idea is to use affine arithmetic [4... as for interval arithmetic, affine
An interval sequential linear programming for nonlinear robust optimization problems
J Tang, C Fu, C Mi, H Liu - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022 - Elsevier
... Wang and Qing [30] utilized mixed interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic method to obtain affine approximations of the objective function and constraints to transform the robust ...
Inner regions and interval linearizations for global optimization
G Trombettoni, I Araya, B Neveu... - Proceedings of the AAAI ..., 2011 - ojs.aaai.org
... Ninin et al. were guided to this choice by their affine arithmetic, but we believe that this is a relevant approach for any global optimization solver. First, both policies are of equal status ...
Introduction to the Special Section on Computer Arithmetic
J Hormigo, JM Muller, S Obermann... - IEEE Transactions ..., 2017 - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
... encompass interval arithmetic, algorithms and applications and related topics such as the use of floating-point arithmetic for implementation issues, variants such as affine arithmetic or ...
Networked adaptive classification for cyber-physical systems
M Gilberti - 2011 - dspace.sunyconnect.suny.edu
... Affine Arithmetic is used to optimize both the range and precision of the fixed-point numbers.
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