Modular static analysis with zonotopes
E Goubault, S Putot, F Védrine - International Static Analysis Symposium, 2012 - Springer
... Affine sets define an abstract domain for static analysis of numerical programs, based on
Time-domain performance bound analysis of analog circuits considering process variations
XX Liu, SXD Tan, Z Hao, G Shi - 17th Asia and South Pacific ..., 2012 -
... 1: Compute the variational transfer function by graph-based symbolic method and affine
Optical computer recognition of facial expressions associated with stress induced by performance demands
DF Dinges, RL Rider, J Dorrian... - Aviation, space, and ..., 2005 -
... We have used deformable model theory and augmented it with novel algorithms for detection of human expressions, as well as stochastic methods based on Affine arithmetic to embed ...
Parallel stochastic programming for energy storage management in smart grid with probabilistic renewable generation and load models
Y Wang, H Liang, V Dinavahi - IET Renewable Power ..., 2019 - Wiley Online Library
... Romero-Quete and Cañizares in [7] proposed an affine arithmetic method for EMS in isolated microgrids. In this model, uncertain load and renewable energy are managed through ...
Automatic estimation of verified floating-point round-off errors via static analysis
M Moscato, A Dutle, CA Muñoz - International Conference on Computer ..., 2017 - Springer
... PRECiSA currently uses interval arithmetic, but other enclosure methods such as Bernstein polynomials and affine arithmetic can be used since they are already defined in PVS [10, 11]. ...
A zonotopic framework for functional abstractions
E Goubault, S Putot - arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.1763, 2009 -
... We present in this paper an abstract domain based on affine arithmetic [4] to bound the values of variables in numerical programs, with a real number semantics. Affine arithmetic can be ...
Investigating tension in overhead high voltage power transmission line using finite element method
A Ahmad, Y Jin, C Zhu, I Javed, MW Akram - International Journal of ..., 2020 - Elsevier
... In [20] the researchers calculated sag and tension of over-head transmission line using affine
Trustworthy numerical computation in scala
E Darulova, V Kuncak - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international ..., 2011 -
... On the other hand, using our affine-arithmeticbased type we compute an absolute error of 1.34 ∗ 10−15, which is (by the correctness of our approach) sound, yet two decimal orders of ...
Towards a High-quality Visualization of Higher-order Reynold's Glyphs for Diffusion Tensor Imaging
M Hlawitschka, Y Hijazi, A Knoll, B Hamann - Visualization in Medicine and ..., 2012 - Springer
... To address this issue, a few decades later, affine arithmetic (AA) was developed by Comba ... , in which case it is referred to as reduced affine arithmetic. Intuitively, if IA approximates the ...
Interval method for special constrained global optimization problems
M Ying - 2014 -
... We have added Affine Arithmetic as another approach to get the inclusion function, and it can be used to sharpen the error approximation conveniently. Numerical results will be shown ...
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