Recent trends in the modeling and quantification of non-probabilistic uncertainty
M Faes, D Moens - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2020 - Springer
... He proposes to use affine arithmetic, as earlier proposed by Comba and Stolfi [30], which is a more versatile extension of interval arithmetic. Affine arithmetic allows for keeping track of ...
Symbolic simulation of SystemC AMS without yet another compiler
C Zivkovic, C Grimm - 2018 Forum on Specification & Design ..., 2018 -
... The fundamental invariant of affine arithmetic [16] states that, at any instant between affine
Applying uncertainty considerations to building energy conservation equations
IA Macdonald - Eighth International IBPSA Conference, Eindhoven ..., 2003 -
... Another method in this class is affine arithmetic, a linear polynomial whose terms are ... Only
Evaluation of the electric power system state using models of probability-fuzzy systems
HB Guliyev - International Journal on Technical and Physical ..., 2020 -
... In recent years for the solving of the probabilistic power flow problem, the use of affine
Distributed maximum power point tracking: challenges and commercial solutions
G Petrone, G Spagnuolo, M Vitelli - automatika, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
... circuits for renewable energy sources; methods for analysis, design and optimization of switching converters; tolerance analysis by means of interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic, and ...
Power flow problems with nested information: An approach based on fuzzy numbers and possibility theory
V Calderaro, F Lamberti, V Galdi, A Piccolo - Electric Power Systems ..., 2018 - Elsevier
... or the affine arithmetic are in Refs. [4], [13], [14]. In Ref. ... [13], an affine arithmetic method is proposed for self-validated ... linear approximation of the affine arithmetic power flow model and ...
Uncertainty analysis based on reduced-order models for composite structures with interval field variables
X Liang, H Ning, D Sun, N Hu - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
Composite structures exhibit significant spatial variabilities in their response due to the variations in the individual lamina properties. Considering the difficulty of obtaining accurate ...
Strong regularity of parametric interval matrices
I Skalna - Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
... However, with the use of affine arithmetic (AA) [18], the nonlinear case can be reduced to the ... Additionally, an affine-arithmetic-based approach to dealing with parametric interval linear ...
P-solutions for a class of structured interval parametric systems
L Kolev - Preprint in Research Gate, 2018 -
... interval arithmetic (IA) operations with corresponding affine arithmetic (AA) operations (eg, [16]) (... the interval arithmetic (IA) operations in method MI by affine arithmetic (AA) operations. ...
Uncertainty propagation of the energy flow in vibro-acoustic system with fuzzy parameters
Q Chen, Q Fei, S Wu, Y Li - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
... [21] combined the interval perturbation analysis, the affine arithmetic, and the SEA to calculate the high-frequency energy response of vibro-acoustic systems with interval parameters. ...
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