A genetic algorithm for detecting significant floating-point inaccuracies
D Zou, R Wang, Y Xiong, L Zhang... - 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th ..., 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Affine arithmetic enhances interval arithmetic by distinguishing errors coming from different sources. In affine arithmetic, ... By differentiating errors by their sources, affine arithmetic can ...
Solution of interval reactive power optimization using genetic algorithm
C Zhang, H Chen, J Lei, Z Liang... - 2016 IEEE PES Asia ..., 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... both interval arithmetic (IA) and affine arithmetic (AA). The former is ... Therefore, we will choose affine arithmetic as the key ... Villacci, "An affine arithmetic-based methodology for reliable ...
Making System Level Test Possible by a Mixed-mode, Multi-level, Integrated Modeling Environment
N Nosrati, K Basharkhah, R Sadeghi... - 2019 IEEE East ..., 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... As shown, MDSI faults are injected for the interconnects, Affine Arithmetic uncertainties are used for faults in the analog components, stuck-at faults and other more abstract functional ...
A fast interpolative wordlength optimization method for dsp systems
E Sedano, JA López, C Carreras - 2012 VIII Southern ..., 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems grow in complexity, the classical simulation-based approaches to the wordlength optimization (WLO) problem for fixed-point data ...
Designing and implementing the user interface of geographic digital libraries
JL de Oliveira, MA Goncalves, CB Medeiros - 1997 - ic.unicamp.br
... solutions to unconstrained global optimization problems can be obtained by combining previous accelerations techniques for interval branch-and-bound methods with affine arithmetic, ...
An overflow free fixed-point eigenvalue decomposition algorithm: case study of dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral images
B Kabi, AS Sahadevan... - 2017 Conference on ..., 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Affine arithmetic (AA) is a preferable approach that takes into account the interdependency among the signals [22], but ranges determined through AA explode during division if the ...
Interval-value based circuit simulation for statistical circuit design
QY Tang, CJ Spanos - Design for Manufacturability through ..., 2009 - spiedigitallibrary.org
... traditional interval-value calculations, we developed a variant of the affine arithmetic method described in [1]. ... SPICE-like Circuit Simulator all calculation is replaced by affine arithmetic ...
Static analysis of Euler–Bernoulli beams with interval Young's modulus
A Sofi, G Muscolino - Computers & Structures, 2015 - Elsevier
... The aim of this section is to present the fundamentals of the IIA developed by the authors [7], [8] in the framework of structural analysis following the philosophy of the affine arithmetic [10]...
A combined algorithm for data cleaning of wind power scatter diagram considering actual engineering characteristics
JH Wu, ZG Shao, SH Yang - Journal of Physics: Conference ..., 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
... It can be seen that the top-curve outliers and around-curve scattered outliers that are not recognized by affine arithmetic, but it can be effectively cleaned by the quartile algorithm. That is...
Set-based simulation for design and verification of simulink models
O Bouissou, S Mimram, B Strazzulla... - ... Real Time Software ..., 2014 - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
... We can adapt the previous algorithm to deal with uncertainties using affine arithmetic for ... In Case c, due to the pessimism of the affine arithmetic, we may detect some spurious ...
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