Accuracy-guaranteed bit-width optimization
DU Lee, AA Gaffar, RCC Cheung... - ... on Computer-Aided ..., 2006 -
... In this paper, we adopt a static-analysis technique based on affine arithmetic (AA) [13] and analytical error models to optimize both ranges and precisions for the signals in a fixedpoint ...
Integer word-length optimization for fixed-point systems
R Nehmeh, D Menard, A Banciu... - ... , Speech and Signal ..., 2014 -
... First, the data dynamic range is evaluated with interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic guaranteeing no overflow occurrence. This step gives a maximum value wIA for each IWL. Second, ...
AADD-Based Symbolic Simulation of SystemC AMS
C Zivkovic, C Grimm - Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for ..., 2020 - Springer
... This property is analog to the fundamental invariant of affine arithmetic. ... As consequence of the fundamental invariant of affine arithmetic, it holds that there is a single assignment of ...
A scalable dual mode arithmetic unit for public key cryptosystems
F Crowe, A Daly, W Marnane - International Conference on ..., 2005 -
Elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC) have become popular in recent years due to their smaller key sizes than traditional public key schemes such as RSA. However the gap between the ...
Performance bound analysis of analog circuits in frequency-and time-domain considering process variations
XX Liu, SXD Tan, AA Palma-Rodriguez... - ACM Transactions on ..., 2013 -
... that the bounds computed in this way are very accurate and have no over-conservativeness, which is suffered by some existing approache, such as interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic...
Function interval arithmetic
J Duracz, A Farjudian, M Konečný, W Taha - International Congress on ..., 2014 - Springer
We propose an arithmetic of function intervals as a basis for convenient rigorous numerical computation. Function intervals can be used as mathematical objects in their own right or as ...
Uses of GPU powered interval optimization for parameter identification in the context of SO fuel cells
S Kiel, E Auer, A Rauh - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2013 - Elsevier
... The condition can be exploited also in affine arithmetic [AKR12] but we do not consider this here because an affine arithmetic library for the GPU is not available at the moment. ...
SysMD: Towards “Inclusive” Systems Engineering
Š Dalecke, KA Rafique, A Ratzke... - 2022 IEEE 5th ..., 2022 -
... The underlying constraint net is a tree network based Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams (... The use of Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams on all levels of the tree network also allows ...
Local explicit interval fields for non-stationary uncertainty modelling in finite element models
RRP Callens, MGR Faes, D Moens - Computer Methods in Applied ..., 2021 - Elsevier
... [18] and Sofi and Muscolino [19] presented an alternative approach for explicit interval field to limit the over-conservative results of standard interval FE, by applying an affine arithmetic ...
Statistical timing based on incomplete probabilistic descriptions of parameter uncertainty
WS Wang, V Kreinovich, M Orshansky - Proceedings of the 43rd annual ..., 2006 -
... basis of interval arithmetic and its enhancement in terms of affine arithmetic [11][12]. An interval description does not permit making statements about which values of the variable are ...
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