Robust approximation of offsets, bisectors, and medial axes of plane curves
JB Oliveira, LH De Figueiredo - Reliable computing, 2003 - Springer
... Affine arithmetic [3] is one of these tools, and its use in interval methods has resulted in faster ... A natural next step is to use affine arithmetic instead of interval arithmetic in the global ...
Real-time ray tracing of implicit surfaces on the GPU
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... algebraic surfaces up to order 4 using analytical roots on the GPU [5] and selected algebraic surfaces and some nonalgebraic surfaces using interval analysis and affine arithmetic on ...
A Knowledge-based Approach for Configuring Automobile Design and Development
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... We intend to build a constraint solver with Affine Arithmetic, which is able to handle multiplications and divisions and other functions of symbolic variables with boundaries, and thus ...
A probability box representation method for power flow analysis considering both interval and probabilistic uncertainties
Q Li, N Zhao - International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy ..., 2022 - Elsevier
... In the affine arithmetic method, the interval variables are represented as affine combinations ... considering correlated interval variables in the affine arithmetic method. Besides, Levin et al...
Uncertainty in Geometric Computations
J Winkler, M Niranjan - 2002 -
Computer simulations and modelling are used frequently in science and engineering, in applications ranging from the understanding of natural and artificial phenomena to the design, ...
DH quaternion transformation method for kinematics analysis of serial mechanisms
Z Zhong-hai, LI Duan-ling - Journal of Beijing university of Posts ..., 2015 -
... Finite鄄precision error modeling using affine arithmetic[C]椅Acoustics, Speech and Signal ... by a modified affine arithmetic [ J]. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2013(48): 48鄄57. ...
3.9 Integration of Interval Contractors in Hierarchical Space Decomposition Structures
S Kiel - Uncertainty modeling and analysis with intervals ... -
... arithmetics like affine arithmetic or Taylor models to reduce the overestimation. Another way to tighten enclosures is to use contractors which identify parts of the decomposition disjoint ...
DC power flow analysis incorporating interval input data and network parameters through the optimizing-scenarios method
C Zhang, H Chen, M Guo, X Wang, Y Liu... - International Journal of ..., 2018 - Elsevier
... the Krawczyk-Moore method in conjunction with affine arithmetic [18] to obtain the ranges of bus ... To overcome the limitations of affine arithmetic (AA) -based methods, the OSM has been ...
An efficient solution to systems of multivariate polynomial using expression trees
G Elber, T Grandine - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and ..., 2009 -
... techniques such as affine arithmetic have been developed in recent years. Affine arithmetic [8] ... Affine arithmetic excels in the common case when different terms in the expression are ...
A Novel Belief Function Based Framework for UOPF With Multiprobability-Characterized and Knowledge Deficient Power Sources
B Liu, Q Huang, J Zhao, W Hu - IEEE Transactions on Industrial ..., 2020 -
... According to Vaccaro and Cañizares [28], we can perform the affine arithmetic based UOPF for ... Note that the affine arithmetic based UOPF transfers the affine form based OPF into two ...
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