Reliability-based probabilistic network pricing with demand uncertainty
X Yang, C Gu, X Yan, F Li - IEEE Transactions on Power ..., 2020 -
... Traditionally, because of the implementation simplicity, stochastic methods including Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation [10]–[12], interval [13] and affine arithmetic (AA) [14] are typical ...
Several tests for recognizing pseudoconvexity on a restricted domain
M Hladık, LVKI Skalna - 2019 -
... Affine arithmetic (reduced/revised version) ...
A clustering-based analytical method for hybrid probabilistic and interval power flow
C Wang, D Liu, F Tang, C Liu - International Journal of Electrical Power & ..., 2021 - Elsevier
... In [6], the authors introduced the affine arithmetic method to formulate IPF calculation as linear ... This method provided tighter output intervals than interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic ...
InterFLOP, Interoperable Tools for Computing, Debugging, Validation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs
D Defour, F Févotte, S Graillat... - ISC-HPC 2021 ..., 2021 -
2. OBJECTIVES Set a common platform integrating major tools of the French Floating-Point community to tackle the FP challenges and recent evolutions of software and hardware. We ...
Stochastic modeling and analysis of power systems with intermittent energy sources
M Pirnia - 2014 -
... The main focus of this thesis is on the application of the Affine Arithmetic (AA) method to power system operational problems. The AA method is a very efficient and accurate tool to ...
Power cables' thermal protection by interval simulation of imprecise dynamical systems
G Bontempi, A Vaccaro, D Villacci - IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission ..., 2004 - IET
... 3.2 Affine arithmetic approach Affine arithmetic (AA) [25, 26] is a method for range analysis known for its ability to manipulate both external (eg imprecise or missing input data, ...
T Csendes, B Bámhelyi, L Hatvani -
... -processing to decrease the make the enclosures closer to the original ranges; these techniques include the centered form and its variants, higher-order Taylor methods, affine arithmetic...
Realistic energy commitments in peer-to-peer transactive market with risk adjusted prosumer welfare maximization
V Mohan, S Bu, M Jisma, VC Rijinlal... - International Journal of ..., 2021 - Elsevier
... The financial risk of the operator due to uncertainties in renewable generation is modelled using affine arithmetic in [6]. The same risk is modelled as the measure of ‘profit per unit risk’ ...
2014 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST)
CA Shoniregun - 2014 -
... In section III is explained in details the methodology which is used for this analysis especially
A dynamic evolution scheme for structures with interval uncertainties by using bidirectional sequential Kriging method
Y Liu, X Wang, L Wang - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and ..., 2019 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a bidirectional sequential Kriging (BSK) method for nonlinear interval uncertainty quantification of dynamic systems. Different from existing surrogate based ...
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