Smart Distribution Network Situation Awareness for High-Quality Operation and Maintenance: A Brief Review
L Ge, Y Li, Y Li, J Yan, Y Sun - Energies, 2022 -
... The SDN’s uncertain PFC model can be established based on affine arithmetic, fuzzy numbers... The power flow of DC distribution network in affine arithmetic is explained by the following ...
Transient tolerance analysis of power cables thermal dynamic by interval mathematic
D Villacci, A Vaccaro - Electric power systems research, 2007 - Elsevier
The safeguard of power equipments is assuming a major role in the deregulated electricity market, where a malfunctioning power system could be responsible for serious damages to a ...
Vibro-acoustic response of engineering structures with mixed type of probabilistic and nonprobabilistic uncertainty models
A Cicirello, RS Langley - ... -ASME Journal of ..., 2015 -
... The nonprobabilistic descriptions can be propagated by using interval finite element method (FEM) (by using interval arithmetic, global optimization strategies, or affine arithmetic), ...
Resource-efficient designs using an aspect-oriented approach
JGF Coutinho, S Bhattacharya, W Luk... - 2012 IEEE 15th ..., 2012 -
... This is because interval arithmetic is unable to compute tight bounds whenever dependencies exist between operations, while affine arithmetic loses information when approximating ...
Probabilistic Network Pricing Considering Demand Uncertainty in Distribution Systems
X Yang, X Yan, H Shi, C Gu, F Li - 2018 IEEE Power & Energy ..., 2018 -
... , paper [6] briefly introduced the concept and comparison of several uncertainty modelling methods such as convolution, Monte-Carlo simulation and interval and affine arithmetic (AA). ...
Design of experiments for reliable operation of electronics in automotive applications
M Rafaila, C Decker, C Grimm... - 2010 Forum on ..., 2010 -
... [2] presents methods to compute inner and outer uncertainty bounds, using the Genetic Algorithm and Affine Arithmetic. It deals, however, only with a reduced set of factors. Assumptions ...
Custom Reduction of Arithmetic in Linear DSP Transforms
DSP Linear -
... ◆ Fang/Rutenbar/Püschel/Chen, “Toward Efficient Static Analysis of FinitePrecision Effects in DSP Applications via Affine Arithmetic Modeling,” Proc. DAC 2003 ...
A New Affinely Adjustable Robust Model for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Uncertainty
JE Sierra-Aguilar, CC Marín-Cano, JM López-Lezama... - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
... section discusses the basics of affine arithmetic, and affinely adjustable robust optimization. ... Affine Arithmetic Affine arithmetic is a numerical computation model for interval methods that ...
Space software validation using abstract interpretation
O Bouissou, E Conquet, P Cousot, R Cousot... - The International Space ..., 2009 -
This paper reports the results of an ESA funded project on the use of abstract interpretation to validate critical real-time embedded space software. Abstract interpretation is industrially ...
Implementation of differential evolution algorithm and its variants for optimal scheduling of distributed generations
C Shilaja - International Journal of Communication Systems, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
... Affine arithmetic in reliable solving weather-based OPF problems in the presence of multiple and correlated uncertainties has been investigated. OPF problem integrated with FACTS ...
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