Adaptive relays for overhead line protection
V Calderaro, V Galdi, A Piccolo, P Siano - Electric Power Systems ..., 2007 - Elsevier
... , in [9], in order to predict the thermal behaviour on short and long time horizons, also in the presence of data uncertainties, an interesting approach, based on the use Affine Arithmetic, ...
The interval method of bisection for solving the nonlinear equations with interval-valued parameters
K Semenov, A Tselishcheva - Proceedings of International Scientific ..., 2021 - Springer
The article dwells on the interval extension of the bisection approach for solving nonlinear equations with interval-valued parameters, ie the ones that might have values from the ...
Optimal multiplication of G-intervals
LV Kolev - Reliable Computing, 2007 - Springer
... Otherwise, one should resort to standard multiplication rules for affine forms [3], [4] since the goal in affine arithmetic is to minimize the “volume” of the implied zonotopes, not just the ...
Uncertain flow calculations of a distribution network containing DG based on blind number theory
H Wu, J Xu, Y Ji, M Wu - IET Generation, Transmission & ..., 2017 - Wiley Online Library
... In [10, 11], an affine arithmetic method is proposed to solve boundary load flow with uncertain generation sources. In [9], the authors propose a range arithmetic-based optimisation ...
Harmonic estimation on a transmission system with large-scale renewable energy sources
SL Gbadamosi, N Nwulu, OM Babatunde - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2021 -
W artykule przedstawiono podejście do modelowania i symulacji przy użyciu programu Electrical Transient Analyzer-programu do oceny wielkości i skutków harmonicznych ze ...
Computable analysis, exact real arithmetic and analytic functions in Coq
F Steinberg, H Thies -
... Further improvements can be made by using more sophisticated ideas from verified numerics such as affine arithmetic or Taylor models. Similar methods have already been formalized ...
Exploiting bounds optimization for the semi-formal verification of analog circuits
O Lahiouel, H Aridhi, MH Zaki, S Tahar - Integration, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a semi-formal methodology for modeling and verification of analog circuits behavioral properties using multivariate optimization techniques. Analog circuit ...
Explicit frequency response functions of discretized structures with uncertain parameters
G Muscolino, R Santoro, A Sofi - Computers & Structures, 2014 - Elsevier
... The FRF of systems with uncertain-but-bounded parameters was also evaluated by Manson [10] employing both the complex interval analysis and the complex affine arithmetic. De ...
Parametric interval algebraic systems
I Skalna - 2018 - Springer
... Chapter 2 starts from a brief introduction to affine arithmetic. Next, revised affine forms, which constitute the basis for the proposed algorithmic framework, are presented. The revised ...
Stochastic-based resource expansion planning for a grid-connected microgrid using interval linear programming
MHS Boloukat, AA Foroud - Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper represents a stochastic approach for long-term optimal resource expansion planning of a grid-connected microgrid (MG) containing different technologies as intermittent ...
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