A continuation algorithm for planar implicit curves with singularities
AJP Gomes - Computers & graphics, 2014 - Elsevier
... Affine arithmetic and Bernstein hull methods for algebraic curve drawing ... Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic. In: The 25th Brazilian conference on ...
High precission fpga based phase meters for infrared interferometer fusion diagnostics
LE Hernández - 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
... Since the implemented algorithms are non-linear a new technique to evaluate the quantization effects based on modified affine arithmetic and Legendre polynomial chaos expansion ...
A response surface based optimisation algorithm for the calculation of fuzzy envelope FRFs of models with uncertain properties
M De Munck, D Moens, W Desmet, D Vandepitte - Computers & Structures, 2008 - Elsevier
... Affine arithmetic [4] reduces the conservatism by tracking the dependencies between the results of the computations and the independent sources of ... An introduction to affine arithmetic ...
A Novel Uncertainty Quantification Framework for PF and OPF considering Nonlinear Correlated Power Injections with Limited Information
B Liu, J Zhao, Q Huang, Z Duan, D Cai... - ... on Power Systems, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... To overcome these shortcomings, an affine arithmetic-based method is proposed, where all ... Comparing with interval arithmetic, the affine arithmetic obtains better PF and OPF solutions...
Interval power flow analysis of microgrids with uncertainties: an approach using the second-order Taylor series expansion
LLS de Sousa, ID Melo - Electrical Engineering, 2022 - Springer
... systems operation including interval [10], affine arithmetic [11, 12] and Taylor series [13, 14]. ... Affine arithmetic is used to model the interval uncertainties and sensitivities in nodal power ...
Introduction to the Minitrack on Metrics, Models, and Simulation for Cyber
B Ezell, L Goldrich - 2018 - aisel.aisnet.org
... Michael Rathmair, Christoph Luckeneder, Hermann Kaindl and Carna Radojicic present a semi-symbolic modeling approach based on Affine Arithmetic Forms. This approach allows ...
LV Kolev, SK Petrakieva - solon.cma.univie.ac.at
... Both of them are based on interval extensions of nonlinear function which are calculated using generalized intervals and affine arithmetic. These interval criteria have some ...
Interactive Visualization at UFRGS
J Comba, A Maciel, C Freitas, L Nedel, MM Oliveira - decom.ufop.br
... First, seed points on the feature lines are placed by evaluating the inclusion form of the PV criterion with reduced affine arithmetic. Second, a feature flow field is derived from the higher-...
A power transformers' predictive overload system based on a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model
L Ippolito, P Siano - Proceedings of the 12th IEEE ..., 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... a set of routinely measured variables, such as the TOT and load current, identify the unknown evolution of the HST profile by using neural network, local learning, and affine arithmetic ...
Uncertainty modeling of distributed energy resources: techniques and challenges
Y Zhang, J Wang, Z Li - Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 2019 - Springer
... In comparison, affine arithmetic can keep track on the dependencies of variables throughout the calculation procedure and limit the overestimation on the bounds of power flow results [...
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