The Need for Uncertainty-Based Analysis in Power System Networks
YM Abebe, P Mallikarjuna Rao... - Advances in Power ..., 2018 - Springer
... A powerful algorithm-based on affine arithmetic (AA) is used to model the uncertain variables, for the aforementioned analysis, and a punctual analysis mechanism proved to be ...
Fast integer word-length optimization for fixed-point systems
R Nehmeh, D Menard, E Nogues, A Banciu... - Journal of Signal ..., 2016 - Springer
... First, the dynamic range is evaluated using the interval arithmetic or the affine arithmetic ... The solution w IA obtained from interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic is used as a starting ...
Robust feeder reconfiguration in radial distribution networks
CHN de Resende Barbosa, MHS Mendes... - International Journal of ..., 2014 - Elsevier
... radial power flow analysis supported by interval mathematics [32] or affine arithmetic [33]. He was the first to introduce an affine arithmetic approach [33] to find the distribution network’s ...
Reachability analysis of hybrid systems with linear continuous dynamics
C Le Guernic - 2009 -
This thesis is devoted to the problem of computing reachable sets of linear and hybrid systems. In the first part, after exposing existing approaches for reachability analysis of linear ...
Desktop Manufacturing from Easily Transmitted High Resolution Digital Files and its Application Case Studies
A Paskoα, T Vilbrandtβ, C Vilbrandtγ, G Paskoχ... - 2006 -
... Affine Arithmetic method Affine Arithmetic (AA) is also a method for interval analysis [CS93]. The method is proposed to avoid extremely increasing intervals like it happens with IA. In AA...
Validated Solution of Initial Value Problem for Ordinary Differential Equations based on Explicit and Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes
JAD Sandretto, A Chapoutot - 2015 -
... Note that more recent work exists on increasing the accuracy of affine arithmetic [10, 19...
Robust adaptive polygonal approximation of implicit curves
H Lopes, JB Oliveira, LH de Figueiredo - Computers & Graphics, 2002 - Elsevier
... adaptive enumerations can be computed more efficiently by using tighter interval estimates provided by affine arithmetic. ... Adaptive enumeration of implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic ...
Self-Scheduling Operations of a Compressed Air Energy Storage Facility Under Uncertainties
M Zambroni - 2022 -
... The novel model is further expanded considering uncertainties in electricity prices using RO and Affine Arithmetic (AA) approaches. The AA method keeps track of correlated ...
Certified roundoff error bounds using semidefinite programming
V Magron, G Constantinides, A Donaldson - ACM Transactions on ..., 2017 -
... The tool uses affine arithmetic to provide sound overapproximations of roundoff errors, allowing for generation of finite precision implementations that fulfill the required precision given ...
Synthesis of certified programs in fixed-point arithmetic, and its application to linear algebra basic blocks
MA Najahi - 2014 -
... 30 1.13 Computed enclosure on v5 using affine arithmetic (in green) and curve of the ... ) with the enclosures obtained by interval and affine arithmetic (in green and blue respectively)...
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