Improved range analysis in fixed-point polynomial data-path
M Grailoo, B Alizadeh... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2017 -
In range analysis (RA), suitable integer bit-widths are assigned to the variables so that no overflow occurs. Although the accuracy in RA rather than error analysis has more impact on ...
Prognosis under uncertainty–An idealised computational case study
K Worden, G Manson - Shock and Vibration, 2008 -
... Another advantage of affine arithmetic is the inclusion of an approximation error term which can be readily converted into upper and lower estimates of the conservatism within the ...
An algorithm for the tracing problem using interval analysis
B Denner-Broser - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied ..., 2008 -
... The usage of affine arithmetic might reduce this problem [3]. ... comments and for pointing out the relation to affine arithmetic. ... Affine arithmetic: Concepts and applications. Numerical ...
A fast and fuzzy functional simulator of inexact arithmetic operators for approximate computing systems
J Bonnot, K Desnos, M Pelcat, D Menard - ... of the 2018 on Great Lakes ..., 2018 -
... To overcome the pessimistic bounds given by IA, Affine Arithmetic (AA)takes into account the first order dependencies between variables [5]. Nevertheless, these techniques do not give ...
GPU-accelerated high-level synthesis for bitwidth optimization of FPGA datapaths
N Kapre, D Ye - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM/SIGDA International ..., 2016 -
... As part of future work, we intend to extend this work to support Monte-Carlo sampling-based methods and integrate Affine Arithmetic models. Our framework is available for download ...
Automatic Design Space Exploration for an Error Tolerant Application
S Coward, T Drane, Y Harel - 2020 IEEE 27th Symposium on ..., 2020 -
... Overcoming this limitation, Affine Arithmetic was introduced (AA) which keeps first order correlations between variables, [2]. This has been further improved by considering Arithmetic ...
On computing envelopes for discrete-time linear systems with affine parametric uncertainties and bounded inputs
C Combastel, SA Raka - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
The computation of envelopes enclosing the possible states and/or outputs of a class of uncertain linear dynamical systems is the subject of this paper. The resulting algorithm can be ...
Visualizing arcs of implicit algebraic curves, exactly and fast
P Emeliyanenko, E Berberich, M Sagraloff - International Symposium on ..., 2009 - Springer
... Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing. ... Extensions of Affine Arithmetic: Application to Unconstrained Global Optimization. Journal of ...
What's Z− X, when Z= X+ Y? Dependency tracking in interval arithmetic with bivariate sets
A Gray, M De Angelis, S Ferson, E Patelli - 2021 -
In this paper we propose an extension to interval arithmetic to include arithmetic with bivariate sets, which allows for an initial dependency to be propagated, as well as the tracking of ...
A voltage fluctuation assessment method based on interval arithmetic for wind farm
Z Li, J Pan, Z Shao - 2014 China International Conference on ..., 2014 -
... Reference [2 6] introduces affine arithmetic theory to shorten the gap between the upper and lower boundaries, based on interval algorithm. But multiplication and division operation of ...
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