Fault diagnosis of Electric Power Grid Based on Improved RBF Neural Network
L Yi-Ping, S Ling, C Yi-Jia - TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of ..., 2014 - journal.esperg.com
... The objective function of crisp clustering [17, 18], and the objective function of fuzzy clustering are used to do a simple affine arithmetic, where the parameter θ is a variable to control the ...
Temperature-dependent system level analysis of electric power transmission systems: A review
M Rahman, F Atchison, V Cecchi - Electric Power Systems Research, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a review of the literature concerning temperature dependency in the system-level analysis of overhead transmission systems. Traditional power flow and state ...
Worst-case EMC investigation of single-wire transmission lines based on taylor arithmetic
R Trinchero, IS Stievano... - 2017 IEEE International ..., 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Popular implementations include the simple, yet blind and often inaccurate interval analysis (IA), as well as the affine arithmetic, which provides a linear parametric approximation [11]. A ...
Statistical analysis and modeling for error composition in approximate computation circuits
WTJ Chan, AB Kahng, S Kang... - 2013 IEEE 31st ..., 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... In category (C3), [9] and [10] use an interval-based approach (interval arithmetic or affine
Sunspots modelling: comparison of GP approaches
K Rodríguez-Vázquez - Proceedings of the 15th annual conference ..., 2013 - dl.acm.org
... introduced by Nikolaev and Iba [3] that considers the use of transfer polynomials combined with a recursive least squares algorithm, the robust symbolic regression with affine arithmetic ...
Short-term operation of microgrids with thermal and electrical loads under different uncertainties using information gap decision theory
M Kia, M Shafiekhani, H Arasteh, SM Hashemi... - Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
... Affine arithmetic (AA) is utilized in Ref. [45] to model the interval uncertainties and sensitivities in nodal power injections. Pourghasem et al. ...
Combined Word-Length Allocation and High-Level Synthesis of Digital Signal Processing Circuits
G Caffarena Fernández - 2008 - oa.upm.es
... A novel quantization error estimation based on affine arithmetic (AA) is presented, as well as its practical application to the automatic WLA of LTI and non-linear differentiable DSP ...
Hybrid probabilistic interval analysis of bar structures with uncertainty using a mixed perturbation Monte-Carlo method
W Gao, D Wu, C Song, F Tin-Loi, X Li - Finite Elements in Analysis and ..., 2011 - Elsevier
This paper presents a mixed perturbation Monte-Carlo method for static and reliability analysis of structural systems with a mixture of random and interval parameters/loadings. Using a ...
Uma abordagem da matemática financeira no ensino médio para explicitar as metodologias do fundo de financiamento estudantil-FIES
RD Costa - 2014 - repositorio.ufc.br
... The proposal also suggests an understanding of the mathematical content of interconnected way, such as: simple interest with affine arithmetic progression and function, compound ...
Software numerical instability detection and diagnosis by combining stochastic and infinite-precision testing
E Tang, X Zhang, NT Müller, Z Chen... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... Affine arithmetic further tracks the sources of errors as affine forms for better precision. It ... ,
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