Static timing analysis based on partial probabilistic description of delay uncertainty
WS Wang, V Kreinovich, M Orshansky - 2006 -
... Such descriptions form the basis of interval arithmetic and its enhancement in terms of affine
State of the Ability in Research on Microgrid Hybrid Energy Systems.
I Akhtar, S Kirmani, M Jamil - Journal of Engineering Science & Technology ..., 2019 -
... Affine arithmetic has been used to model the interval uncertainties and sensitivities in nodal power injections. Furthermore, the minimization of the operational cost has been taken care ...
Interval Energy Flow Analysis in Integrated Electrical and Natural-Gas Systems Considering Uncertainties
S Wang, S Yuan - Energies, 2019 -
... Affine Arithmetic ... An uncertainty power flow algorithm based on interval and affine arithmetic. Autom. ... Uncertainty tracing of distributed generations via complex affine arithmetic based ...
Progressive refinement rendering of implicit surfaces
MN Gamito, SC Maddock - Computers & Graphics, 2007 - Elsevier
... In that work, affine arithmetic was used to compute bounds for the implicit function. Affine
Hardware organization to achieve high-speed elliptic curve cryptography for mobile devices
S Liu, B King, W Wang - Mobile Networks and Applications, 2007 - Springer
... One is to use the traditional affine arithmetic. An alternative is to use the projective point coordinates. Using the affine arithmetic to compute kP, many “double” or “add” operations are ...
Interval uncertainty analysis for static response of structures using radial basis functions
Y Liu, X Wang, L Wang - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a new interval uncertainty analysis method for static response of structures with unknown-but-bounded parameters by using radial basis functions (RBFs). Recently...
Systematic high-level address code transformations for piece-wise linear indexing: illustration on a medical imaging algorithm
C Ghez, M Miranda, A Vandecappelle... - ... IEEE Workshop on ..., 2000 -
... For instance, modulo operations affecting affine arithmetic can be modelled as a piece-wise linear arithmetic problem for which effective transformations can be applied before the ...
CSG Operations of Arbitrary Primitives with Interval Arithmetic and Real-Time Ray Tracing
Y Hijazi, A Knoll, M Schott, A Kensler... - Utah: SCI Institute ..., 2008 -
... Also comparing interval and (reduced) affine arithmetic as in [9] for the task of CSG modeling ... Fast ray tracing of arbitrary implicit surfaces with interval and affine arithmetic. Computer ...
Massively parallel rendering of complex closed-form implicit surfaces
MJ Keeter - ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2020 -
We present a new method for directly rendering complex closed-form implicit surfaces on modern GPUs, taking advantage of their massive parallelism. Our model representation is ...
Tight semidefinite relaxation for interval power flow model based on multi-dimensional holomorphic embedding method
Y Sun, T Ding, M Qu, F Li... - IEEE Transactions on ..., 2020 -
... To address this problem, affine arithmetic was employed to solve the IPF. In [24], affine ... Compared with affine arithmetic, optimization based methods gave more accurate interval ...
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