[PDF][PDF] Modified affine arithmetic in tensor form

H Shou, H Lin, R Martin, G Wang - The Proceedings of …, 2004 - researchgate.net
affine arithmetic in tensor form is not only more accurate but also much faster than affine
arithmetic when … Affine arithmetic (AA) was first introduced by Comba and Stolfi [1] in 1993 as an …

A New Affine Arithmetic-Based Optimal Network Reconfiguration to Minimize Losses in a Distribution System Considering Uncertainty Using Binary Particle Swarm …

V Raj, BK Kumar - Electric Power Components and Systems, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
In the present work, Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) based optimal re-configuration
for balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks using Affine Arithmetic (AA), …

Affine arithmetic for power and optimal power flow analyses in the presence of uncertainties

A Vaccaro - 2015 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
… To address the aforementioned problem, this thesis proposes solution methodologies
based on the use of Affine Arithmetic (AA), which is an enhanced model for self-validated …

Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic

A Paiva, F de Carvalho Nascimento… - 2012 25th SIBGRAPI …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… in the plane that uses affine arithmetic to identify regions where the curve lies inside a thin
strip. Unlike other interval methods, even those based on affine arithmetic, our method works …

An Affine arithmetic based methodology for the thermal rating assessment of overhead lines in the presence of data uncertainty

A Piccolo, A Vaccaro, D Villacci - 2003 IEEE Bologna Power …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this paper the use of Affine Arithmetic (AA) [16,17], an enhanced model for numerical
computation, is proposed to overcome this limitation. AA is applied to minimize the …

[HTML][HTML] Approximating implicit curves on plane and surface triangulations with affine arithmetic

F de Carvalho Nascimento, A Paiva… - Computers & …, 2014 - Elsevier
… Our method uses affine arithmetic to identify regions where the curve lies inside a thin strip.
Unlike other interval methods, even those based on affine arithmetic, our method works on …

[HTML][HTML] A Taylor-Affine Arithmetic for analyzing the calculation result uncertainty in accident reconstruction

T Zou, H Peng, M Cai, H Wu, L Hu - Forensic science international, 2016 - Elsevier
… to the four arithmetic operations of the affine arithmetic, which is listed in Appendix B. …
In order to overcome the problem, the Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) was proposed. In the …

[PDF][PDF] Affine Arithmetic

F Immler - Archive of Formal Proofs (Feb. 2014). http://isa-afp. org …, 2016 - isa-afp.org
We give a formalization of affine forms [1, 2] as abstract representations of zonotopes. We
provide affine operations as well as overapproximations of some non-affine operations like …

Project duration evaluated using affine arithmetic

G Bosurgi, O Pellegrino, G Sollazzo - Periodica Polytechnica Civil …, 2017 - pp.bme.hu
… in this paper the application of the Affine Arithmetic technique. This method treats the variables
as … Adopting Affine Arithmetic, the results are reported in terms of intervals, avoiding the …

Circuit simulations with uncertainties using affine arithmetic and piecewise affine statemodels

M Freisfeld, M Olbrich, E Barke - 2008 9th International …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… First of all, we give a short description of the affine arithmetic. In Section 3 we describe the
… In the past, semi-symbolic-simulation applying affine arithmetic (AA) [1], as a suitable range …