Complex affine arithmetic-based power flow analysis for zonal medium voltage direct current shipboard power systems in the presence of power variation

F Lu, L Yan, H Liu, F Liu - Energies, 2018 -
… [18]; it was shown that affine arithmetic better handles … power flow based on affine arithmetic
have been presented [19,… flow algorithm based on affine arithmetic for an MVDC shipboard …

Optimal Dispatch of Multi-Microgrids System Based On Affine Arithmetic

X Wang, W Zheng - 2021 IEEE 2nd China International Youth …, 2021 -
… Therefore, affine arithmetic will be used to solve it in this … the affine arithmetic and correction
of non-linear operations. The interval optimization model based on modified affine arithmetic

Affine intervals in a CSG geometric modeller

A Bowyer, R Martin, H Shou, I Voiculescu - Uncertainty in Geometric …, 2002 - Springer
affine arithmetic. Finally, Figure 1.14 shows how division times depend on resolution. Here
we can see that affine arithmetic … arithmetic in the time that affine arithmetic takes. Looking at …

Variation-aware behavioural modelling using support vector machines and affine arithmetic

A Krause - 2019 -
… techniques with affine arithmetic to include … affine arithmetic. Although specialised simulation
tools for WCA have been developed before, this was the first allrounder with affine arithmetic

Affine arithmetic for assessing the uncertainty propagation on steady-state probabilities of Markov models owing to uncertainties in transition rates

CM Rocco S - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical …, 2013 -
… Abstract This article proposes the use of affine arithmetic as an alternative approach for
assessing … Affine arithmetic is an extension of interval arithmetic, able to track ‘‘the dependency …

Owl: word-length optimization via extreme value theory and affine arithmetic/interval arithmetic model

S Zhou, J Bian - Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International …, 2007 -
affine arithmetic in range analysis. The AAIA model … in DSP applications via affine
arithmetic modeling, Proc. … bitwidth optimization via affine arithmetic, Proceedings …

A New Affine Arithmetic-based power flow analysis for Weakly Meshed Distribution Systems under Uncertainty

V Raj, BK Kumar - … and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE …, 2020 -
An affine arithmetic based load flow for weakly meshed distribution systems with uncertainty
using optimized solution intervals is proposed in the present work. Uncertainty is considered …

Round-off noise estimation of fixed-point algorithms using Modified Affine Arithmetic and Legendre Polynomials

L Esteban, JAL Martín… - 2020 XXXV Conference on …, 2020 -
Affine Arithmetic can obtain fast and accurate estimations of the bit-widths for linear systems.
However, for non-linear systems, Affine Arithmetic … In this paper, a Modified Affine Arithmetic

Fatigue Damage Prognosis of Internal Delamination in Composite Plates Under Cyclic Compression Loadings Using Affine Arithmetic as Uncertainty Propagation …

AJM Gbaguidi - 2014 -
… In this study, Affine Arithmetic is used as a method for … prediction model is handled using
Affine Arithmetic. The Mode I … the composite plates while using Affine Arithmetic to handle their …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of affine arithmetic in Haskell

J Jääger -
affine arithmetic are methods in numerical analysis that deal with ranges of numerical values.
Affine arithmetic is … The result of this thesis is an affine arithmetic library written in Haskell. …