Modified affine arithmetic is more accurate than centered interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic

H Shou, H Lin, R Martin, G Wang - Mathematics of surfaces, 2003 - Springer
… Test results show that modified affine arithmetic is not only more accurate but also much
faster than standard affine arithmetic. We thus suggest that modified affine arithmetic is the …

A generalization of p-boxes to affine arithmetic

O Bouissou, E Goubault, J Goubault-Larrecq, S Putot - Computing, 2012 - Springer
… In this article, we define a new arithmetic that combines affine arithmetic to propagate the
linear relations between random variables and p-box arithmetic to overapproximate the …

A novel affine arithmetic method to solve optimal power flow problems with uncertainties

M Pirnia, CA Cañizares… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
An affine arithmetic (AA) method is proposed in this paper to solve the optimal power flow (OPF)
problem with uncertain generation sources. In the AA-based OPF problem, all the state …

An affine arithmetic-based energy management system for isolated microgrids

D Romero-Quete, CA Cañizares - IEEE Transactions on Smart …, 2018 -
This paper presents a mathematical formulation of an energy management system (EMS)
for isolated microgrids, which addresses uncertainty using the affine arithmetic (AA) method. …

Floating-point error analysis based on affine arithmetic

CF Fang, T Chen, RA Rutenbar - 2003 IEEE International …, 2003 -
… We present a novel approach based on affine arithmetic, a recent development in range …
Based on the affine arithmetic (AA) model in range arithmetic, we present our AA-based …

Uncertainty tracing of distributed generations via complex affine arithmetic based unbalanced three-phase power flow

S Wang, L Han, L Wu - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014 -
… This paper proposes a complex affine arithmetic based unbalanced three-phase power
flow solution to explore the impacts of DG uncertainties on distribution systems. Based on the …

True worst-case circuit tolerance analysis using genetic algorithms and affine arithmetic

N Femia, G Spagnuolo - … Transactions on Circuits and Systems I …, 2000 -
… It is based on the joint use of genetic algorithms (GAs) and affine arithmetic (AA). The GAs
are … , it is shown that the problem can be afforded more efficiently using the Affine Arithmetic. …

[HTML][HTML] An affine arithmetic-based algorithm for radial distribution system power flow with uncertainties

W Gu, L Luo, T Ding, X Meng, W Sheng - International Journal of Electrical …, 2014 - Elsevier
… Concepts of affine arithmetic In affine arithmetic, a quantity x is represented by an expression
of the form(1) x ˆ = x 0 + x 1 ε 1 + ⋯ + x n ε n which is an affine expression of noise symbols …

An affine arithmetic-based framework for uncertain power flow and optimal power flow studies

A Vaccaro, CA Canizares - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2016 -
This paper proposes a unified framework based on affine arithmetic for computing reliable
enclosures of uncertain power flow (PF) and optimal power flow (OPF) solutions. The main …

Fast ray tracing of arbitrary implicit surfaces with interval and affine arithmetic

A Knoll, Y Hijazi, A Kensler, M Schott… - Computer Graphics …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
… Ray tracing algorithms employing interval arithmetic (IA) or affine arithmetic (AA) for root-…
, as well as an inclusion-preserving reduced affine arithmetic (RAA) for faster ray-surface …