Dynamic Response Analysis for Structures with Interval Parameters Based on Affine Arithmetic

ZQ Zhu, JJ Chen - Advanced Materials Research, 2008 - Trans Tech Publ
Affine Arithmetic (AA)[14] is a novel algorithm dealing with … arithmetic directly, a modified
affine arithmetic is given in this … Firstly structural eigenvalue is obtained by affine arithmetic, …

Model Order Reduction of Discrete Uncertain System Using Modified δ-γ Routh Approximation and Affine Arithmetic Method

HM DORA - Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical …, 2021 - thejournalshouse.com
This paper deals with a new technique for order reduction of higher order discrete uncertain
system into lower order discrete time interval system. Using modified Routh Approximation …

Numerical Method of Proving Existence of Periodic Solution for Nonlinear ODE using Affine Arithmetic and Green's Function Expression

Y Kanzawa, S Oishi - IEICE Proceedings Series, 2005 - ieice.org
Affine Arithmetic and … Affine Arithmetic extended to the functional space. Green’s Function
Expression is also used to prevent from overestimating integral arithmetic with Affine Arithmetic

[HTML][HTML] Load Flow Analysis of an Uncertain System in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources Using Complex Affine Arithmetic

YM Abebe, PM Rao, MG Naik - i-Manager's Journal on …, 2017 - search.proquest.com
… In this paper, a complex Affine Arithmetic (AA) based load flow analysis in the presence of
generation and load uncertainty is proposed. Vectorial representation is applied to denote the …

Interval-Type and Affine Arithmetic-Type Techniques for Handling Uncertainty in Expert Systems, with Applications to Geoinformatics and Computer Security

M Ceberio, V Kreinovich, S Chopra, L Longpré… - 2005 - scholarworks.utep.edu
… Our main idea is similar to affine arithmetic: for each intermediate result Fj, in addition to an
Affine arithmetic only takes linear dependencies into account; to account for more complex …

Direct method for solving parametric interval linear systems with non-affine dependencies

I Skalna - International conference on parallel processing and …, 2009 - Springer
… and affine arithmetic [29]. Hansen’s generalized interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic keep
Affine arithmetic is somewhat similar to Hansen’s generalized interval arithmetic, but differs …

[HTML][HTML] Global sensitivity analysis of static voltage stability based on extended affine model

X Liao, M Zhang, J Le, L Zhang, Z Li - Electric Power Systems Research, 2022 - Elsevier
… of extended affine arithmetic was proposed … affine arithmetic and describes how to construct
the static voltage stability interval evaluation model on the basis of extended affine arithmetic

Interval Probabilistic Energy Flow Calculation of CCHP Campus Microgrid Considering Interval Uncertainties of Distribution Parameters

Y Xie, S Lin, W Liang, Y Yang, Z Tang, Y Song… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Moreover, affine arithmetic (AA) is introduced to address the interval extension problem
in the calculation, and an AA&IA-based IPEF algorithm is proposed. By constructing the …

Hybrid Coordinate Affine Power Flow Algorithm Based on Coordinate Conversion

S He, Z Shao, F Chen, Y Zhang - 2022 7th Asia Conference on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… This paper proposes an affine coordinate conversion approach to extends affine arithmetic
to polar coordinate systems. On that basis, a hybrid coordinate affine arithmetic is proposed …

Interval-affine Gaussian algorithm for constrained systems

RR Akhmerov - Reliable Computing, 2005 - Springer
… At this point, we have to use either affine arithmetic or more exact interval-affine arithmetic.
As a result, we will get an estimate for x, which is trivially converted to an interval estimate …