R MIALTU, M Bodea - UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF …, 2015 - scientificbulletin.upb.ro
… Affine arithmetic represents a background mathematics theory for multiple applications,
including, recently, for error estimation for signal processing systems. This paper introduces …
including, recently, for error estimation for signal processing systems. This paper introduces …
Taylor models and affine arithmetics-towards a more sophisticated use of reliable methods in computer graphics
K Buhler - Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The application of affine arithmetic to some of the problems mentioned above has shown that
it can be … Affine arithmetic has been successfully implemented in the following algorithms: …
it can be … Affine arithmetic has been successfully implemented in the following algorithms: …
[PDF][PDF] Tool Presentation: Isabelle/HOL for Reachability Analysis of Continuous Systems.
F Immler - ARCH@ CPSWeek, 2015 - easychair.org
… approximations of transcendental functions) and affine arithmetic, including verified algorithms
for … in the sense that respective operations in eg affine arithmetic always enclose the “real” …
for … in the sense that respective operations in eg affine arithmetic always enclose the “real” …
Adaptive mapping of linear DSP algorithms to fixed-point arithmetic
LJ Chang, Y Voronenko, M Püschel, I Hong - 2004 - apps.dtic.mil
… First, the compiler statically analyzes the program in a single pass using a recently
developed tool that uses affine arithmetic modeling [1]. Then, in the global mode, the compiler …
developed tool that uses affine arithmetic modeling [1]. Then, in the global mode, the compiler …
Review of methodologies for pre-and post-silicon analog verification in mixed-signal SOCs
… 2) Affine arithmetic: The second group of formal methods uses some form of affine … An
extension to affine arithmetics is introduced in [5], [6] as the Extended Affine Arithmetic Form (XAAF)…
extension to affine arithmetics is introduced in [5], [6] as the Extended Affine Arithmetic Form (XAAF)…
[PDF][PDF] A Mixed Integer Affine Reformulation Technique for Deterministic Global Optimization
… This technique is based on the affine arithmetic, which is not … Affine arithmetic was introduced
in 1993 by Comba and Stolfi… Messine in [2] has proposed an extended affine arithmetic, …
in 1993 by Comba and Stolfi… Messine in [2] has proposed an extended affine arithmetic, …
M Ceberio, O Kosheleva… - Математические …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
… that affine arithmetic… affine arithmetic, it is desirable to come up with computations which
are less time consuming that quadratic Taylor technique, but more accurate than affine arithmetic…
are less time consuming that quadratic Taylor technique, but more accurate than affine arithmetic…
True-worst-case evaluation in circuit tolerance and sensitivity analysis using genetic algorithms and affine mathematics
L Egiziano, N Femia, G Spagnuolo… - 1998 IEEE International …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this paper the usefulness: of Affine Arithmetic and Genetic Algorithms in hard circuit
TWC-TSA problems has been proved. The examples proposed show that, both in apparently …
TWC-TSA problems has been proved. The examples proposed show that, both in apparently …
Global Optimization Based on Contractor Programming: An Overview of the IBEX Library
J Ninin - International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of …, 2015 - Springer
… It is based on interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic. The main feature of IBEX is its ability
to build strategies declaratively through the contractor programming paradigm. It can also be …
to build strategies declaratively through the contractor programming paradigm. It can also be …
[PDF][PDF] Fast and robust ray tracing of general implicits on the gpu
A Knoll, Y Hijazi, A Kensler, M Schott… - University of Utah …, 2007 - sci.utah.edu
… The major contributions of this paper are a new iterative spatial traversal algorithm for
implicit intersection; and an efficient implementation of a correct reduced affine arithmetic (RAA) …
implicit intersection; and an efficient implementation of a correct reduced affine arithmetic (RAA) …