R MIALTU, M Bodea - UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF …, 2015 - scientificbulletin.upb.ro
Affine arithmetic represents a background mathematics theory for multiple applications,
including, recently, for error estimation for signal processing systems. This paper introduces …

Taylor models and affine arithmetics-towards a more sophisticated use of reliable methods in computer graphics

K Buhler - Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The application of affine arithmetic to some of the problems mentioned above has shown that
it can be … Affine arithmetic has been successfully implemented in the following algorithms: …

[PDF][PDF] Tool Presentation: Isabelle/HOL for Reachability Analysis of Continuous Systems.

F Immler - ARCH@ CPSWeek, 2015 - easychair.org
… approximations of transcendental functions) and affine arithmetic, including verified algorithms
for … in the sense that respective operations in eg affine arithmetic always enclose the “real” …

Adaptive mapping of linear DSP algorithms to fixed-point arithmetic

LJ Chang, Y Voronenko, M Püschel, I Hong - 2004 - apps.dtic.mil
… First, the compiler statically analyzes the program in a single pass using a recently
developed tool that uses affine arithmetic modeling [1]. Then, in the global mode, the compiler …

Review of methodologies for pre-and post-silicon analog verification in mixed-signal SOCs

G Gielen, N Xama, K Ganesan… - 2019 Design, Automation …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… 2) Affine arithmetic: The second group of formal methods uses some form of affine … An
extension to affine arithmetics is introduced in [5], [6] as the Extended Affine Arithmetic Form (XAAF)…

[PDF][PDF] A Mixed Integer Affine Reformulation Technique for Deterministic Global Optimization

J Ninin, F Messine - researchgate.net
… This technique is based on the affine arithmetic, which is not … Affine arithmetic was introduced
in 1993 by Comba and Stolfi… Messine in [2] has proposed an extended affine arithmetic, …


M Ceberio, O Kosheleva… - Математические …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
… that affine arithmeticaffine arithmetic, it is desirable to come up with computations which
are less time consuming that quadratic Taylor technique, but more accurate than affine arithmetic

True-worst-case evaluation in circuit tolerance and sensitivity analysis using genetic algorithms and affine mathematics

L Egiziano, N Femia, G Spagnuolo… - 1998 IEEE International …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this paper the usefulness: of Affine Arithmetic and Genetic Algorithms in hard circuit
TWC-TSA problems has been proved. The examples proposed show that, both in apparently …

Global Optimization Based on Contractor Programming: An Overview of the IBEX Library

J Ninin - International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of …, 2015 - Springer
… It is based on interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic. The main feature of IBEX is its ability
to build strategies declaratively through the contractor programming paradigm. It can also be …

[PDF][PDF] Fast and robust ray tracing of general implicits on the gpu

A Knoll, Y Hijazi, A Kensler, M Schott… - University of Utah …, 2007 - sci.utah.edu
… The major contributions of this paper are a new iterative spatial traversal algorithm for
implicit intersection; and an efficient implementation of a correct reduced affine arithmetic (RAA) …