Affine Method for Multi-objective Optimizing Configuration of Battery Energy Storage System

W Shouxiang, W Han - 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society …, 2018 -
… In this paper, affine arithmetic is proposed to solve the uncertain power flow in the transmission
system considering both randomness of the wind power and the load. An approach to …

Semi-symbolic analysis of mixed-signal systems including discontinuities

C Radojicic, C Grimm, J Moreno… - 2014 Design, Automation …, 2014 -
… A less formal approach is semi-symbolic simulation [8] based on Affine Arithmetic [9]) that
we use in this work. For simulation we use (symbolic) affine expressions instead of real values. …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical reproducibility of high-performance computations using floating-point or interval arithmetic

N Revol, P Théveny - Challenges in 21st Century Experimental …, 2014 -
… My current effort: promote the use of interval arithmetic or some variants: Taylor models,
affine arithmetic, through the development and implementation of methods that are not too slow …

Improved methodologies for security of electricity supply of future power system

D Fang - 2020 -
… /affine arithmetic for a comprehensive evaluation of related uncertainties. Affine arithmetic is
… reduce overestimation errors, the affine arithmetic approach is combined with probabilistic (…

A global optimization method for solving parametric linear systems whose input data are rational functions of interval parameters

I Skalna - International Conference on Parallel Processing and …, 2009 - Springer
… Revised affine arithmetic is used to handle the nonlinear dependencies. The Direct Method
performs the monotonicity test to speed up the convergence of the global optimization. It is …

[PDF][PDF] A self-validated computation approach to symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits

B Thanigaivelan, A Postula, Y Ding - Symbolic Methods and …, 2006 -
Affine Arithmetic models used for Self-Validated Computation or SVC. The expressions
obtained using our approach, based on the affine arithmetic … Computation and Affine Arithmetic. …

Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamic Problems

S Chakraverty, S Rout - Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain …, 2020 - Springer
… To find these eigenvalues, we have adopted an affine arithmetic approach. In this regard,
all the interval coefficient (Eq. (7.19)) matrices have been transformed into affine form …

Interval Valued Variational Analysis Using the Arithmetic of Higher Order Polynomial

Y Zou, Y Cai, Q Zhou, X Hong… - … , Circuits and Systems, 2006 -
… Abstract- In this paper, we discuss the two extensions of Affine Arithmetic, one through using
higher order polynomial approximations, and the other is through partitioning the tolerance …

An efficient algorithm of performing range analysis for fixed-point arithmetic circuits based on SAT checking

Y Pang, K Radecka - 2011 IEEE International Symposium of …, 2011 -
… The main disadvantages of past methods, such as dynamic analysis or affine arithmetic, lie
in … The affine arithmetic model (AA) is a derivation of IA, in which the quantities of interest are …

Exceptional polynomials with 2-transitive affine monodromy groups

F Möller - Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
… In this paper all exceptional polynomials having a doubly transitive affine arithmetic monodromy
group are classified. We show that these polynomials belong to well-known families of …