On more dependable assertion-based verification

C Radojicic, J Moreno, X Pan… - IECON 2013-39th Annual …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… To do so, this section introduces the language of Affine Arithmetic Assertions whose syntax
will be described in detail. In order to give a more clear overview of available operators they …

Spelunking the deep: Guaranteed queries for general neural implicit surfaces

N Sharp, A Jacobson - arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.02444, 2022 - arxiv.org
… functions, and furthermore explicitly defines all affine arithmetic rules used in this work. …
We have now identified variants of affine arithmetic which are wellsuited to computing range …

[PDF][PDF] Interval Frazer-Duncan criterion for stability analysis of linear systems with dependent coefficients in the characteristic polynomial

L Kolev, S Petrakieva - Conf. on Circuits - mat.univie.ac.at
… Then we apply the necessary simple mathematical operations of modified affine arithmetic
(described in previous Section 3) to make a linearization of the resulting functions )( pf . Thus, …

[PDF][PDF] Using Arithmetic Transform to Calculate Ranges of Arithmetic Datapaths.

Y Pang, Y Yan, J Wang, Z He, T Liu - J. Comput., 2012 - researchgate.net
… The affine arithmetic model (AA) is a derivation of IA borrowed from numerical analysis. In
… [5] take advantage of affine arithmetic modeling to analyze range and precision. Work in [6] …

Robustness validation of integrated circuits and systems

M Barke, M Kaergel, W Lu, F Salfelder… - 2012 4th Asia …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… These include the robustness evaluation of digital circuits under aging effects, such as NBTI;
the robustness modeling of analog and mixed signal circuits using affine arithmetic; and the …

Analog Circuit Abstraction to SystemC-AMS Secured by Affine Forms

A Tarraf, L Hedrich - … on SMACD and 16th Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… With the extension of affine arithmetic decision diagrams (AADDs) to SystemC-AMS [2], a
system can be described using affine forms to enclose analog behaviors. This allows for the …

[HTML][HTML] A hybrid algorithm based optimal placement of DG units for loss reduction in the distribution system

MCV Suresh, JB Edward - Applied Soft Computing, 2020 - Elsevier
… To follow the harmonic contributions of individual DGs in conveyance frameworks, A
Complex Affine Arithmetic Based Three-Phase Harmonic Power Flow technique (CATHPF) was …

On a class of parameterized solutions to interval parametric linear systems

ED Popova - arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00613, 2019 - arxiv.org
… ] is based on affine arithmetic, in Section 3 of this work we propose a parameterized solution
in form (2) which is based on the numerical method in [9] and not using affine arithmetic. We …

Application of Montgomery's trick to scalar multiplication for elliptic and hyperelliptic curves using a fixed base point

PK Mishra, P Sarkar - International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 2004 - Springer
… hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems, which uses affine arithmetic and is resistant against simple
… We will refer to these formulae as affine arithmetic. The formulae proposed in [13] do not …

Fast and effective robustness certification

G Singh, T Gehr, M Mirman… - Advances in neural …, 2018 - proceedings.neurips.cc
… Since affine arithmetic is fast and exact for affine transformations, it is an attractive candidate
for the verification of neural networks [10]. However, the Zonotope abstraction is inherently …