New developments in the interval current injection power flow formulation
BMC Araujo, VM da Costa - IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2018 -
… As the input data are imprecise, this paper employs the affine arithmetic to incorporate the
effect of load data uncertainties on this analysis. The power flow model is expressed in terms …
effect of load data uncertainties on this analysis. The power flow model is expressed in terms …
Extended Probability Distribution Arithmetic
M Olbrich - 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on …, 2020 -
… The idea is inspired by affine arithmetic [2] which has been successfully used to verify
analog/mixed-signal systems (eg [3], [4]). However, affine arithmetic is only capable of …
analog/mixed-signal systems (eg [3], [4]). However, affine arithmetic is only capable of …
Finite precision bit-width allocation using SAT-modulo theory
AB Kinsman, N Nicolici - 2009 Design, Automation & Test in …, 2009 -
… Given the inability of simulation based methods to provide robust variable bounds, and
the limited accuracy of bounds from affine arithmetic in the presence of strongly non-affine …
the limited accuracy of bounds from affine arithmetic in the presence of strongly non-affine …
[PDF][PDF] Using neural networks for octree generation
PK Gupta - Journal of Multi Disciplinary Engineering Technologies …, 2014 -
… to the neural networks is that of affine arithmetic. Affine arithmetic is a technique which is …
by the affine arithmetic[22]. Here the idea is to represent an ideal quantity x by an affine form …
by the affine arithmetic[22]. Here the idea is to represent an ideal quantity x by an affine form …
Validated computation of the local truncation error of runge–kutta methods with automatic differentiation
O Mullier, A Chapoutot… - … Methods and Software, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
… affine arithmetic is essentially based on the trade-of between precision and time computation.
However some intrinsic properties of affine arithmetic … On the opposite, affine arithmetic …
However some intrinsic properties of affine arithmetic … On the opposite, affine arithmetic …
A computational attractive interval power flow approach with correlated uncertain power injections
… -based methods, via affine arithmetic and moment estimate method, [3], [4]. For example,
the evidence theory is used with the extended affine arithmetic to calculate the interval power …
the evidence theory is used with the extended affine arithmetic to calculate the interval power …
Программная библиотека на основе аффинной арифметики для ведения математической обработки результатов измерений: выпускная квалификационная …
ДГ Демченко - 2020 -
… affine arithmetic for mathematical processing of measurement results”. This work is devoted
to the development of a software library that implements affine arithmetic … of affine arithmetic …
to the development of a software library that implements affine arithmetic … of affine arithmetic …
A comparison of verified distance computation between implicit objects using different arithmetics for range enclosure
E Dyllong, S Kiel - Computing, 2012 - Springer
… Using our newly developed uniform framework for verified computations, we perform
tests with interval arithmetic, centered forms, affine arithmetic and Taylor models. Finally, we …
tests with interval arithmetic, centered forms, affine arithmetic and Taylor models. Finally, we …
宮島信也, 柏木雅英 - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題, 2003 -
… Affine arithmetic is a kind of interval arithmetic defined by Stolfi et al. [1] [2]. Because affine
arithmetic is … On the one hand in affine arithmetic, it is difficult to realize the efficient nonlinear …
arithmetic is … On the one hand in affine arithmetic, it is difficult to realize the efficient nonlinear …
[HTML][HTML] Rigorous Roundoff Error Analysis of Probabilistic Floating-Point Computations
… In order to perform probabilistic roundoff error analysis we develop symbolic affine
arithmetic in Sect. 5. This technique is combined with probabilistic range analysis to compute …
arithmetic in Sect. 5. This technique is combined with probabilistic range analysis to compute …