System refinement design flow based on semi-symbolic simulations

F Schupfer, C Radojicic, J Wenninger… - IEEE Africon'11, 2011 -
Affine Arithmetic [11] is used to describe and compute the system model and to simulate the
system behavior. Affine ArithmeticAffine Arithmetic is a methodology to define ranges as …

Fast and accurate computation of the round-off noise of linear time-invariant systems

JA López, G Caffarena, C Carreras… - IET Circuits, Devices & …, 2008 - IET
… Abstract: From its introduction in the last decade, affine arithmetic (AA) has shown beneficial
properties to speed up the time of computation procedures in a wide variety of areas. In the …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Overhead Transmission Line Parameters with Uncertainty

YM Abebea, PM Rao, MG Naik - International Journal of …, 2017 -
… In this paper, the uncertainty model for calculating OTL loading, sag, tension, cable length
and worst case resistance value that use Standard Affine Arithmetic (SAA) has been proposed…

[PDF][PDF] Real-time Shading: Sampling Procedural Shaders

W Heidrich - 2004 -
… In our description we uses affine arithmetic to obtain … interval arithmetic to affine arithmetic
for the specific application … than the bounds produced by affine arithmetic. Figure 2 shows the …

Range analysis in electroquasistatic field linear problems

M Vitelli - IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical …, 2003 -
… By applying (16) we get - X = [O,O]; that is, in affine arithmetic each time an interval X appears,
it is always recognized as itself and not as an interval ^Y representing a different quantity …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic Bitwidth Customization for Image Processing Pipelines on FPGAs through a DSL Compiler

V BENARA, Z CHOUDHURY, S PURINI… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2018 -
… easily deploying any kind of interval/affine arithmetic based range analyses in the DSL
compiler. Thirdly, we show that interval/affine arithmetic based techniques fail to take into account …

[PDF][PDF] Analytic spectrum of rig categories

F Paugam - Theory and Applications of Categories, 2014 -
… to define analytic versions of Arakelov compactifications of affine arithmetic varieties. … This
construction also allows us to define analytic Arakelov compactifications of affine arithmetic

Enclosing temporal evolution of dynamical systems using numerical methods

O Bouissou, A Chapoutot, A Djoudi - NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2013 - Springer
… To avoid this problem we use an improvement over interval arithmetic named affine arithmetic
[12] … We will denote by Aff(e) the evaluation of the expression e using affine arithmetic. …

A Guaranteed Two-stage State Estimation Framework for Unbalanced Three-phase Distribution Systems by Considering Multi-source Measurement Uncertainty

D Liang, K Li, S Wang, L Ge… - 2018 IEEE Power & …, 2018 -
Affine arithmetic (AA) is used to model the measurement uncertainty. The calculated voltage
intervals are then used as inputs for the second stage, where real-time measurements with …


G Wang, A Bowyer - Uncertainty in Geometric Computations, 2012 -
… than using the power basis, and that affine arithmetic in the power basis is better than using …
using affine arithmetic with the Bernstein basis gives no advantage over affine arithmetic