Static analysis by abstract interpretation: A mathematical programming approach

E Goubault, S Le Roux, J Leconte, L Liberti… - Electronic notes in …, 2010 - Elsevier
… Although we limit the discussion to integer affine arithmetic semantics in the interval domain,
the flexibility and power of mathematical programming tools have the potential for enriching …

[PDF][PDF] Convex Interval Taylorization in Constrained Global Optimization

I Araya, G Trombettoni, B Neveu -
… this affine arithmetic and our corner-based taylorization. … Compared to affine arithmetic, first
experiments suggest that our … has the potential to complement affine arithmetic and Quad. …

A Review of Interval Field Approaches for Uncertainty Quantification in Numerical Models

M Faes, M Imholz, D Vandepitte… - Modern Trends in …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
… The methods based on affine arithmetic integrate well with the well-known KL expansion
method, allowing for the application of a globally defined homogeneous auto-dependence …

Quantization analysis of the infrared interferometer of the tj-ii stellarator for its optimized fpga-based implementation

L Esteban, JA López, E Sedano… - … on Nuclear Science, 2013 -
… In [7], the temporal correlation problem of Affine Arithmetic is solved by including all the terms
with … However, since the applied analytical method is Affine Arithmetic, the treatment of the …

[PDF][PDF] A Contractor based on Convex Interval Taylorization

I Araya, G Trombettoni, B Neveu -
… Compared to affine arithmetic, preliminary experiments suggest that our convex interval …
reliable convexification method has the potential to complement affine arithmetic and Quad. …

[PDF][PDF] Proteins Structure Determination with Imprecise Distances

I Sendin, SK Goldenstein - Proceedings of DGA, 2013 -
Affine arithmetic ensures that the resulting affine form contains the true value provided that
the operands contain the true value. This property, useful for reliable computing, in general is …

Reliable distance and intersection computation using finite precision geometry

K Bühler, E Dyllong, W Luther - Numerical Software with Result Verification, 2004 - Springer
… They are constructed using Taylor models or affine arithmetic. The particular structure of (I)LIEs
allows the construction of effective hierarchies of bounding volumes and the …

[PDF][PDF] Solution proposal to the unit commitment problem incorporating manifold uncertainties

F Zhai, L Shi - IET Generation, transmission & distribution, 2020 -
… Furthermore, the uncertainty of power loss is considered and modeled by applying the
ET and the extended affine arithmetic framework. Regarding the highly nonlinear mix-discrete …

Implicit linear interval estimations

K Bühler - Proceedings of the 18th spring conference on …, 2002 -
… This section requires some basic knowledge about interval and affine arithmetic. A short …
way is to use affine arithmetic: Like in the straight forward use of affine arithmetic for cell/object in…

Instrumentation of the Control Flow of SystemC AMS-Models for Symbolic Simulation

C Radojicic, C Grimm - ANALOG 2016; 15. ITG/GMM …, 2016 -
… In Section 2 we give an overview of the symbolic simulation based on Extended Affine Arithmetic.
… with Extended Affine Arithmetic. The demonstration example is described in Section 5. …