Predicting Analog Circuit Performance Based on Importance of Uncertainties

J Sun, K Potluri, JM Wang - IEICE transactions on electronics, 2010 -
… In these works interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic were discussed for worst-case …
In addition by applying Chebyshev Affine Arithmetic (CAA) method, we are able to extract …


H Shou -
… accurate than standard affine arithmetic, and (ii) modified affine arithmetic is always more …
affine arithmetic is not only more accurate but also much faster than standard affine arithmetic

[PDF][PDF] Tuning PI controller in non-linear uncertain closed-loop systems with interval analysis

JA dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot… - … International Workshop on …, 2015 -
… interval analysis and particularly affine arithmetic to tighten the … Evaluating e with affine
arithmetic without rewriting the … or sin, by their counterpart in affine arithmetic. We denote by Aff (e) …

Static analysis by abstract interpretation of numerical programs and systems, and FLUCTUAT

E Goubault - International Static Analysis Symposium, 2013 - Springer
… from abstract interpretation of course [8], but also over methods from applied mathematics,
most notably from the “guaranteed computations” or “interval” community (affine arithmetic [7] …

Fast fixed-point optimization of DSP algorithms

G Caffarena, Á Fernández-Herrero, JA López… - IFIP/IEEE International …, 2010 - Springer
… Also, a modification, called Quantized Affine Arithmetic (QAA), has been applied to the
computation of limit cycles [19] and dynamic range analysis of quantized LTI algorithms [17]. …


曾顥 - 2019 -
… Uncertain loads and renewables can be then calculated by using Affine Arithmetic models.
… models of loads and renewables which were studied by Affine Arithmetic and Monte Carlo. …

Formal approaches to analog circuit verification

E Barke, D Grabowski, H Graeb… - … , Automation & Test …, 2009 -
… This approach (2) presents a new field entered by the application of affine arithmetic in
circuit simulation [7]–[9]. Design aids for integrated circuits based on probabilistic affine forms …

Design considerations for an optimized FPGA implementation of space-vector PWM for a two-level inverter

D Mohammadi, N Rafla… - 2016 IEEE Transportation …, 2016 -
… by using affine arithmetic discussed in the next subsection. … Affine arithmetic (AA) does not
always yield a best and … Affine arithmetic takes each uncertainty of the signal into account in …

On sound relative error bounds for floating-point arithmetic

A Izycheva, E Darulova - 2017 Formal Methods in Computer …, 2017 -
… uses affine arithmetic; … affine arithmetic for computing both the ranges of variables and for
the error bounds. In order to reduce the over-approximations introduced by affine arithmetic for …

A Truly Robust Signal Temporal Logic: Monitoring Safety Properties of Interacting Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertain Observation

B Finkbeiner, M Fränzle, F Kohn, P Kröger - Algorithms, 2022 -
… For the model-free as well as for the linear model-based case, we provide optimal evaluation
algorithms based on affine arithmetic and SAT modulo theory, solving over linear arithmetic…