[PDF][PDF] MBMV 2020 Error Analysis for Loop Programs using Anytime Instructions in Approximate Computing
O Keszocze, M König, M Brand, J Teich - researchgate.net
… To (partially) overcome this restriction, affine arithmetic has been developed. … Affine Arithmetic
In affine arithmetic, a range of values is represented as a multivariate polynomial of degree …
In affine arithmetic, a range of values is represented as a multivariate polynomial of degree …
Bringing Uncertainties into System Simulation: A SystemC AMS Case Study
C Zivkovic, C Grimm, J Kölsch, D Short… - 2020 Forum for …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In Section II we describe uncertainty tables and give a brief summary affine-arithmetic
based symbolic simulation. In Sections III and IV we describe the industrial case study. The …
based symbolic simulation. In Sections III and IV we describe the industrial case study. The …
Fuzzy-Affine Approach in Dynamic Analysis of Uncertain Structural Systems
S Rout, S Chakraverty - Soft Computing in Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2022 - Springer
… The concept of affine arithmetic and its applications in computer graphics … affine arithmetic
can overcome it. Further, the concepts, properties, and several applications of affine arithmetic …
can overcome it. Further, the concepts, properties, and several applications of affine arithmetic …
An accurate join for zonotopes, preserving affine input/output relations
… 2.1 Affine arithmetic, zonotopes and affine sets Affine arithmetic is an extension of interval
arithmetic on affine forms, first introduced in [2], that takes into account affine correlations …
arithmetic on affine forms, first introduced in [2], that takes into account affine correlations …
[PDF][PDF] Comparing inclusion techniques on chemical engineering problems
A Baharev, E Rév - SCAN'2008 El Paso, Texas September 29 …, 2008 - researchgate.net
… ∎ Affine arithmetic keeps track of first-order correlation between computed and input … ∎
Numerical evidence suggests that affine arithmetic is a competing linearization compared to the …
Numerical evidence suggests that affine arithmetic is a competing linearization compared to the …
Fast and accurate interval-based timing estimator for variability-aware fpga physical synthesis tools
CS Lee, WT Loke, W Zhang… - … Conference on Field …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… On the other hand, affine arithmetic (AA) [7], which is a novel … With our motivation in mind,
we employ affine arithmetic in … A short introduction to interval and affine arithmetic is pre…
we employ affine arithmetic in … A short introduction to interval and affine arithmetic is pre…
ICAT: engine to perform range analysis and allocate bit-widths for arithmetic datapaths
Y Pang, Y Yan, J Lin, G Li, H Huang, L Shi… - Journal of Circuits …, 2015 - World Scientific
… The hybrid method, ICAT, combines four techniques, including Interval arithmetic, consistency
checking, affine arithmetic and arithmetic transform and is the only method that is aware …
checking, affine arithmetic and arithmetic transform and is the only method that is aware …
Numerical verification of equilibrium location bounds and local stability for nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainty
MG Spetzler, A Narang-Siddarth - 2016 IEEE 55th Conference …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The definitions and notation used in this paper deviate somewhat from the affine arithmetic
… Affine arithmetic defines objects called affine quantities that represent sets of elements from …
… Affine arithmetic defines objects called affine quantities that represent sets of elements from …
Towards abstract analysis techniques for range based system simulations
F Schupfer, M Kärgel, C Grimm, M Olbrich… - System Specification and …, 2012 - Springer
… Affine Arithmetic labels the ranges by symbols which allows the instant backtracking of
the system response contributions to their sources. Although the most published work …
the system response contributions to their sources. Although the most published work …
On Rigorous Numerical Computation as a Scala Library
E Darulová, V Kuncak - 2010 - infoscience.epfl.ch
… Indeed, if we use affine arithmetic on the same … or affine arithmetic computation implies
the correctness of our overall approach: for each operation in interval or affine arithmetic the …
the correctness of our overall approach: for each operation in interval or affine arithmetic the …