[PDF][PDF] Automated Dynamic Error Analysis Methods for Optimization of Computer Arithmetic Systems

MF BE - 2015 - phwl.org
… Several systems have been proposed for the analysis of floating point arithmetic including
Interval Arithmetic, Affine Arithmetic and Monte Carlo Arithmetic. While these systems have …

Improved interval optimization method based on differential evolution for microgrid economic dispatch

S Wang, X Fan, L Han, L Ge - Electric Power Components and …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
… algorithm based on the DE algorithm and affine arithmetic for the DED problem of the … ,
and interval estimation methods by adopting affine arithmetic calculating rules, the multisection …

Numerical analysis of robot dynamics algorithms

M Li - 2012 - openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au
… In addition, we use the CESTAC (Controle et Estimation Stochastique des Arrondic de
Calculs) and the affine arithmetic (AA) to estimate the propagation of round-off errors in robot …

An improved interval linearization for solving nonlinear problems

LV Kolev - Numerical Algorithms, 2004 - Springer
… Form (3) can be obtained automatically using the modified affine arithmetic presented in
section 3. Several properties of this arithmetic permit in certain cases a better enclosure of the …

Mathematical programming based debugging

L Liberti, S Le Roux, J Leconte, F Marinelli - Electronic Notes in Discrete …, 2010 - Elsevier
… The main innovation proposed in this paper is that, at least for computer programs with
integer affine arithmetic, our approach provides both an optimality guarantee for all such …

A robust parity test for extracting parallel vectors in 3D

T Ju, M Cheng, X Wang, Y Duan - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… [7] uses reduced affine arithmetic to conservatively estimate the presence of PV points in a
… be substantial since the test based on affine arithmetic is conservative. Finally, the technique …

Hyson: Set-based simulation of hybrid systems

O Bouissou, S Mimram… - 2012 23rd IEEE …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Of course as xk and xk+1 are sets encoded in affine arithmetic, we will compute a time
interval [tl, tr] that contains all the possible zero-crossing instants for any approximate trajectory …

[HTML][HTML] A new method for computing a p-solution to parametric interval linear systems with affine-linear and nonlinear dependencies

I Skalna, M Hladík - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
… They eliminate the main deficiency of the standard affine arithmetic (AA) [3,4,5,6], ie, the …
Revised affine arithmetic (RAA), like standard affine arithmetic, produces guaranteed enclosures …

[HTML][HTML] Applying uncertainty considerations to energy conservation equations

IA Macdonald, JA Clarke - Energy and buildings, 2007 - Elsevier
… Only affine arithmetic accounts for these correlations. To achieve this, uncertainty … This
equation is now extended to include uncertainties through the use of affine arithmetic. The …

Tuning PI controller in non-linear uncertain closed-loop systems with interval analysis

J Alexandre dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot… - … on Synthesis of …, 2015 - drops.dagstuhl.de
… interval analysis and particularly affine arithmetic to tighten the … Evaluating e with affine
arithmetic without rewriting the … + or sin, by their counterpart in affine arithmetic. We denote by Aff(e…