A Solution Strategy to the Unit Commitment Problem Incorporating Manifold Uncertainties

F Zhai, L Shi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00752, 2020 - arxiv.org
… Moreover, the power loss is introduced into power balance constraints, and the extended
affine arithmetic (EAA) is employed to evaluate the uncertainty of power loss caused by the …

Dynamic optimal power flow model incorporating interval uncertainty applied to distribution network

P Chen, X Xiao, X Wang - IET Generation, Transmission & …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
… with uncertainties, especially for the satisfaction of operating constraints in an uncertain
environment, an interval DOPF (I-DOPF) model is derived in this study, by using affine arithmetic

Static analysis of finite precision computations

E Goubault, S Putot - … Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and …, 2011 - Springer
… x ,r x ,e x ) relying on a zonotopic weakly-relational abstract domain for the analysis of
real value variables, based on ideas from affine arithmetic [2]: these domains that we developed …

Direct and iterative methods for interval parametric algebraic systems producing parametric solutions

I Skalna, M Hladík - Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Affine arithmetic25, 26 was introduced to keep track of … The main disadvantage of affine
arithmetic is that each … There were several attempts to improve classical affine arithmetic.27, 28 …

G-interval method for secure chaotic synchronization and information transmission

S Petrakieva, O Garasym… - The 9th International …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In section III is explained in details the methodology which is used for this analysis especially
affine arithmetic for making calculations with interval parameters written in general form. …

[PDF][PDF] Weakly relational domains for floating-point computation analysis

E Goubault, S Putot - First International Workshop on Numerical …, 2005 - lix.polytechnique.fr
… But in affine arithmetic, the use of a sum of coefficients is only a means for getting more
precision in the dynamic computation of bounds for the real value of a variable, and these …

Improvement combined with (analysis, CSP, Arithmetic analysis and Interval) of Simulations for efficient combination of two lower bound functions in (univariate …

M Chebbah, M Ouanes, A Zidna - 2019 - fshs.ummto.dz
… / Computation of bounds, to inhibit intervals by anlyse intervals or affine arithmetic (test A2)
3 / The derivative and its bound, to inhibit intervals by anlyse intervals or affine arithmetic.(test …

Automated Dynamic Error Analysis Methods for Optimization of Computer Arithmetic Systems

MK Frechtling - 2015 - ses.library.usyd.edu.au
… Several systems have been proposed for the analysis of floating point arithmetic including
Interval Arithmetic, Affine Arithmetic and Monte Carlo Arithmetic. While these systems have …

Microarchitectural mechanisms to exploit value structure in SIMT architectures

J Kim, C Torng, S Srinath, D Lockhart… - Proceedings of the 40th …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
… file and lane functional units to execute affine arithmetic (but without support for expanding
… We describe three novel mechanisms to efficiently execute: (1) affine arithmetic with support …

Quantization Analysis of the Infrared Interferometer of the TJ-II for its Optimized FPGA-based Implementation

L Esteban, JA López, E Sedano… - 2012 18th IEEE …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… As a counterpart, affine Arithmetic (AA) [5] solves the overestimation problem and has proven
to provide the fastest results for linear systems. However, it makes an inadequate treatment …