Low-Energy Instruction Precision Assignment for Multi-mode Multiplier Under Accuracy and Performance Constraints

SR Kuang, KY Wu - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2015 - Springer
… To easily set and check the accuracy constraint, we first build an affine arithmetic based
error model to evaluate the overall output accuracy loss caused by inaccurate FP MOPs. …

Synthesizing Power and Area Efficient Image Processing Pipelines on FPGAs using Customized Bit-widths

V Benara, Z Choudhury, S Purini… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2018 - arxiv.org
… easily deploying any kind of interval/affine arithmetic based range analyses in the DSL
compiler. Thirdly, we show that interval/affine arithmetic based techniques fail to take into account …

On the Generation of Precise Fixed-Point Expressions

E Darulova, V Kuncak, R Majumdar, I Saha - 2013 - infoscience.epfl.ch
… , we use a static analysis based on affine arithmetic to compute an upper bound on the error.
… tions in using static analysis based on affine-arithmetic, but our search method works with …

[PDF][PDF] Work in Progress: Reachability Analysis for Time-triggered Hybrid Systems, The Platoon Benchmark

F Bidet, É Goubault, S Putot - lix.polytechnique.fr
… First, the Taylor models are not built and evaluated in affine arithmetic like in our approach.
Moreover, the physical time of the system is not directly accessible to evaluate transitions’ …

Variation-aware behavioral models of analog circuits using support vector machines with interval parameters

A Krause, M Olbrich, E Barke - 2014 6th Computer Science …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… INTERVAL-VALUED SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES From the definition of affine arithmetic
we formulate the following conditions for the creation of behavioral models: 1) Parameters …

Optimal Integrated Energy System Planning with DG Uncertainty Affine Model and Carbon Emissions Charges

L Ge, H Liu, J Yan, X Zhu, S Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Compared to the stochastic optimization and interval methods, the affine arithmetic approach
can effectively tackle the deterministic data and interval conservatism by modeling the DG …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient and Secure (H) ECC Scalar Multiplication with Twin Multipliers

T Lange, PK Mishra - hyperelliptic.org
… • As in binary fields the I/M ratio is between 8 to 10, one prefers affine arithmetic. • Affine
arithmetic involves inversion. We can not divide the group operations into smaller atomic blocks. …

[HTML][HTML] An efficient bi-objective optimization framework for statistical chip-level yield analysis under parameter variations

X Li, J Sun, F Xiao, J Tian - Frontiers of Information Technology & …, 2016 - Springer
… We suggest a novel bi-objective optimization framework based on Chebyshev affine
arithmetic (CAA) and the adaptive weighted sum (AWS) method. Both power and timing yield are …

Variational Circuit Simulator based on a Unified Methodology using Arithmetic over Taylor Polynomials

Q Zhou, Y Zou, Y Cai, X Hong - APCCAS 2006-2006 IEEE Asia …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… It inspires us that a computer arithmetic which is similar to affine arithmetic, the arithmetic
based on Taylor polynomials, may provide a unified solution for variational analysis, also it may …

Reachability analysis of nonlinear odes using polytopic based validated runge-kutta

J Alexandre dit Sandretto, J Wan - International Conference on …, 2018 - Springer
… , affine arithmetic [5, 14] is to be used instead of interval arithmetic for validated Runga-Kutta.
Affine arithmetic can … Evaluating e with affine arithmetic without rewriting the expression, we …