An interval compiler for sound floating-point computations

J Rivera, F Franchetti, M Püschel - 2021 IEEE/ACM …, 2021 -
affine arithmetic is roughly the same and double-double outperforms both. We conclude that
affine arithmetic … Table VI also shows that affine arithmetic is considerable more expensive …

Bitwidth customization in image processing pipelines using interval analysis and SMT solvers

S Purini, V Benara, Z Choudhury… - Proceedings of the 29th …, 2020 -
… extent using affine arithmetic analysis. A detailed discussion on affine arithmetic analysis is
… In this section, we show how interval and affine arithmetic based range analysis techniques …

[PDF][PDF] Enabling practical uses of arithmetic transform: a comprehensive analysis

Z Zilic, K Radecka - Proceedings of 9th international workshop on …, 2009 -
… [12] develop a tool for Matlab specifications, while [5] use static affine arithmetic (AA)
modeling, but only for the wordlength determination, similar as Pu and Ha [17]. Affine arithmetic

[HTML][HTML] Daisy-framework for analysis and optimization of numerical programs (tool paper)

E Darulova, A Izycheva, F Nasir, F Ritter… - … Conference on Tools …, 2018 - Springer
… Daisy extends this support by implementing these operations in interval and affine
arithmetic. The former is straight-forward, whereas for AA Daisy computes sound linear …

[HTML][HTML] Microgrids energy management systems: A critical review on methods, solutions, and prospects

MF Zia, E Elbouchikhi, M Benbouzid - Applied energy, 2018 - Elsevier
… The proposed approach is solved by affine arithmetic and stochastic weight tradeoff PSO-based …
Scenario generation and reduction method, point estimate method, and affine arithmetic


宮田孝富, 柏木雅英 - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題, 2003 -
… 精度保証付き解法 Long Time Integration for IVPs of ODEs Using Affine Arithmetic … On the
other hand, we are also concerned with Affine Arithmetic (AA). AA is a hopeful … Affine Arithmetic

[HTML][HTML] Robustness measurement of integrated circuits and its adaptation to aging effects

M Barke, M Kaergel, M Olbrich… - Microelectronics …, 2014 - Elsevier
… digital circuits on gate level and their robustness against degradation due to aging effects
like NBTI or HCI and the analysis of analog/mixed-signal circuits using affine arithmetic for …

Introduction to the Special Issue on Computer Arithmetic

J Hormigo, JM Muller, S Oberman… - IEEE Transactions …, 2017 -
… encompass interval arithmetic, algorithms and applications and related topics such as the
use of floating-point arithmetic for implementation issues, variants such as affine arithmetic or …

[HTML][HTML] RINO: Robust INner and Outer Approximated Reachability of Neural Networks Controlled Systems

E Goubault, S Putot - International Conference on Computer Aided …, 2022 - Springer
… of automatic differentiation and numerical evaluation by affine arithmetic, as described in eg
[9]… a simple propagation of affine forms by affine arithmetic in the network: linear transformers …

Dynamic Modeling of Differential Bevel Gear with Uncertain-but-Bounded Parameters

M Haddar - Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing …, 2021 -
… the uncertain parameter x, and ˆe1 is the affine arithmetic variable. Where: Δx stands for the
… Where: sI t and uIt denote as the affine arithmetic variables. The displacement vector can be …