Modular static analysis with zonotopes

E Goubault, S Putot, F Védrine - International Static Analysis Symposium, 2012 - Springer
… Affine sets define an abstract domain for static analysis of numerical programs, based on
affine arithmetic. The geometric concretization of an abstract value of affine sets is a zonotope, …

Time-domain performance bound analysis of analog circuits considering process variations

XX Liu, SXD Tan, Z Hao, G Shi - 17th Asia and South Pacific …, 2012 -
… 1: Compute the variational transfer function by graph-based symbolic method and affine
arithmetic method. Compute the performance bounds of the variational transfer function by …

Optical computer recognition of facial expressions associated with stress induced by performance demands

DF Dinges, RL Rider, J Dorrian… - Aviation, space, and …, 2005 -
… We have used deformable model theory and augmented it with novel algorithms for detection
of human expressions, as well as stochastic methods based on Affine arithmetic to embed …

Parallel stochastic programming for energy storage management in smart grid with probabilistic renewable generation and load models

Y Wang, H Liang, V Dinavahi - IET Renewable Power …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
… Romero-Quete and Cañizares in [7] proposed an affine arithmetic method for EMS in
isolated microgrids. In this model, uncertain load and renewable energy are managed through …

Automatic estimation of verified floating-point round-off errors via static analysis

M Moscato, A Dutle, CA Muñoz - International Conference on Computer …, 2017 - Springer
… PRECiSA currently uses interval arithmetic, but other enclosure methods such as Bernstein
polynomials and affine arithmetic can be used since they are already defined in PVS [10, 11]. …

A zonotopic framework for functional abstractions

E Goubault, S Putot - arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.1763, 2009 -
… We present in this paper an abstract domain based on affine arithmetic [4] to bound the values
of variables in numerical programs, with a real number semantics. Affine arithmetic can be …

[HTML][HTML] Investigating tension in overhead high voltage power transmission line using finite element method

A Ahmad, Y Jin, C Zhu, I Javed, MW Akram - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
… In [20] the researchers calculated sag and tension of over-head transmission line using affine
arithmetic-based methods to solve the accuracy problem associated with self-validated (SV…

Trustworthy numerical computation in scala

E Darulova, V Kuncak - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international …, 2011 -
… On the other hand, using our affine-arithmeticbased type we compute an absolute error of
1.34 ∗ 10−15, which is (by the correctness of our approach) sound, yet two decimal orders of …

Towards a High-quality Visualization of Higher-order Reynold's Glyphs for Diffusion Tensor Imaging

M Hlawitschka, Y Hijazi, A Knoll, B Hamann - Visualization in Medicine and …, 2012 - Springer
… To address this issue, a few decades later, affine arithmetic (AA) was developed by Comba
… , in which case it is referred to as reduced affine arithmetic. Intuitively, if IA approximates the …

Interval method for special constrained global optimization problems

M Ying - 2014 -
… We have added Affine Arithmetic as another approach to get the inclusion function, and it
can be used to sharpen the error approximation conveniently. Numerical results will be shown …