[HTML][HTML] Recent trends in the modeling and quantification of non-probabilistic uncertainty

M Faes, D Moens - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2020 - Springer
… He proposes to use affine arithmetic, as earlier proposed by Comba and Stolfi [30], which
is a more versatile extension of interval arithmetic. Affine arithmetic allows for keeping track of …

Symbolic simulation of SystemC AMS without yet another compiler

C Zivkovic, C Grimm - 2018 Forum on Specification & Design …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… The fundamental invariant of affine arithmetic [16] states that, at any instant between affine
arithmetic operations, there is a single assignment of values from [-1, 1] to each of the noise …

[PDF][PDF] Applying uncertainty considerations to building energy conservation equations

IA Macdonald - Eighth International IBPSA Conference, Eindhoven …, 2003 - ibpsa.org
… Another method in this class is affine arithmetic, a linear polynomial whose terms are … Only
affine arithmetic accounts for these correlations. To achieve this, uncertainty considerations …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of the electric power system state using models of probability-fuzzy systems

HB Guliyev - International Journal on Technical and Physical …, 2020 - iotpe.com
… In recent years for the solving of the probabilistic power flow problem, the use of affine
arithmetic apparatus has been proposed [16]. In accordance with affine - arithmetic simulation, the …

Distributed maximum power point tracking: challenges and commercial solutions

G Petrone, G Spagnuolo, M Vitelli - automatika, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
… circuits for renewable energy sources; methods for analysis, design and optimization of
switching converters; tolerance analysis by means of interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic, and …

[HTML][HTML] Power flow problems with nested information: An approach based on fuzzy numbers and possibility theory

V Calderaro, F Lamberti, V Galdi, A Piccolo - Electric Power Systems …, 2018 - Elsevier
… or the affine arithmetic are in Refs. [4], [13], [14]. In Ref. … [13], an affine arithmetic method is
proposed for self-validated … linear approximation of the affine arithmetic power flow model and …

[HTML][HTML] Uncertainty analysis based on reduced-order models for composite structures with interval field variables

X Liang, H Ning, D Sun, N Hu - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
Composite structures exhibit significant spatial variabilities in their response due to the
variations in the individual lamina properties. Considering the difficulty of obtaining accurate …

Strong regularity of parametric interval matrices

I Skalna - Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
… However, with the use of affine arithmetic (AA) [18], the nonlinear case can be reduced to the
… Additionally, an affine-arithmetic-based approach to dealing with parametric interval linear …

[DOC][DOC] P-solutions for a class of structured interval parametric systems

L Kolev - Preprint in Research Gate, 2018 - researchgate.net
… interval arithmetic (IA) operations with corresponding affine arithmetic (AA) operations (eg,
[16]) (… the interval arithmetic (IA) operations in method MI by affine arithmetic (AA) operations. …

[HTML][HTML] Uncertainty propagation of the energy flow in vibro-acoustic system with fuzzy parameters

Q Chen, Q Fei, S Wu, Y Li - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
… [21] combined the interval perturbation analysis, the affine arithmetic, and the SEA to calculate
the high-frequency energy response of vibro-acoustic systems with interval parameters. …