Static analysis of the accuracy in control systems: Principles and experiments
E Goubault, S Putot, P Baufreton, J Gassino - International Workshop on …, 2007 - Springer
… We thus proposed and implemented a relational domain, relying on affine arithmetic [5,22] …
The real part is computed using affine arithmetic, and the error is computed using three …
The real part is computed using affine arithmetic, and the error is computed using three …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of fixed-point singular value decomposition algorithms
B Kabi - Master's thesis, 2015 -
… Affine arithmetic is an improvement over interval arithmetic that takes correlation between …
If affine form of x is x=x0 + x1ε1, the operation y=x − x performed in affine arithmetic would …
If affine form of x is x=x0 + x1ε1, the operation y=x − x performed in affine arithmetic would …
Interval-valued statistical modeling of oxide chemical-mechanical polishing
JD Ma, CF Fang, RA Rutenbar, X Xie… - ICCAD-2005. IEEE …, 2005 -
… The affine arithmetic library and the four interval-valued statistical CMP modeling algorithms
have been implemented in C/C++ and tested on a 1.0GHz UNIX machine using two layout …
have been implemented in C/C++ and tested on a 1.0GHz UNIX machine using two layout …
Segment tracing using local lipschitz bounds
… A complete comparison between Lipschitz techniques and interval analysis using Interval
Affine [Mit90] or Affine Arithmetic [GM07] is beyond the scope of this paper. Still, binary search …
Affine [Mit90] or Affine Arithmetic [GM07] is beyond the scope of this paper. Still, binary search …
Probabilistic load flow calculation using cumulants and multiple integrals
W Wu, K Wang, G Li, X Jiang… - IET Generation …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
… Reliable power flow calculation using affine arithmetic is another interval analysis tool where
each uncertainty is represented as affine combinations of certain primitive variables [1, 2]. It …
each uncertainty is represented as affine combinations of certain primitive variables [1, 2]. It …
Reliability Evaluation of Repairable Parallel-Series Multi-State System Implementing Interval Valued Universal Generating Function
… In this study, they discussed the reliability of the system and affine arithmetic to improve
interval-valued reliability using the imprecise Dirichlet model and Bayesian approach. Lisnianski …
interval-valued reliability using the imprecise Dirichlet model and Bayesian approach. Lisnianski …
[PDF][PDF] A framework to explore low-power architecture and variability-aware timing estimation of FPGAs
LEEC SING - 2007 -
… special acknowledgment to Professor Jonathan Rose and Vaughn Betz (creators of VPR
tool) from the University of Toronto as well as Professor Jorge Stolfi (creator of affine arithmetic …
tool) from the University of Toronto as well as Professor Jorge Stolfi (creator of affine arithmetic …
Efficient search for inputs causing high floating-point errors
WF Chiang, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Rakamaric… - Proceedings of the 19th …, 2014 -
… We can observe that both interval and affine arithmetic tools, namely Gappa and SmartFloat,
returned overly pessimistic results. We manually calculated the range of the outputs and …
returned overly pessimistic results. We manually calculated the range of the outputs and …
Formally verified roundoff errors using SMT-based certificates and subdivisions
J Bard, H Becker, E Darulova - International Symposium on Formal …, 2019 - Springer
… Verifying SMT-based results also allowed us to compute and verify a roundoff error for the
JetEngine benchmark, for which interval and affine arithmetic report a spurious division by …
JetEngine benchmark, for which interval and affine arithmetic report a spurious division by …
Verified analysis of a model for stance stabilization
E Auer, H Albassam, A Kecskeméthy… - Modeling, Design, and …, 2011 - Springer
… Interval [19], Taylor model [17] or affine arithmetic [6] based methods are most prominent
examples of verified techniques. Besides proving the correctness of the computed result, …
examples of verified techniques. Besides proving the correctness of the computed result, …