Numerical data representations for FPGA-based scientific computing
G Constantinides, A Kinsman… - IEEE Design & Test of …, 2011 -
… In an effort to capture variable correlations, and thereby produce more efficient representations,
affine arithmetic (AA) [17] has arisen, where variables are replaced by affine expressions …
affine arithmetic (AA) [17] has arisen, where variables are replaced by affine expressions …
Fast interval-valued statistical modeling of interconnect and effective capacitance
JD Ma, RA Rutenbar - … on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated …, 2006 -
… , using the affine arithmetic that … affine arithmetic do a workable job of modeling the most
likely part of the real distribution. As explained in Section II-B, however, the new affine arithmetic …
likely part of the real distribution. As explained in Section II-B, however, the new affine arithmetic …
Programming with numerical uncertainties
E Darulova - 2014 -
… Affine arithmetic computation turns out to be an improvement, and this thesis shows its
first use that is compatible with floating points. Unfortunately, it is not only that the errors …
first use that is compatible with floating points. Unfortunately, it is not only that the errors …
R Vaca, J Aranda -
… In this work, we show how to compute a strip tree representation for general coupler curves,
using affine arithmetic (see [3][4]) to find a good bounding geometry. Instead of bounding …
using affine arithmetic (see [3][4]) to find a good bounding geometry. Instead of bounding …
Advances in formal methods for the design of analog/mixed-signal systems
… simulation approach utilizing affine arithmetic to allow the … Another approach using affine
arithmetic, described in [17], … parameter expressions based on affine arithmetic. The result of the …
arithmetic, described in [17], … parameter expressions based on affine arithmetic. The result of the …
A distributed Kalman filter with symbolic zonotopes and unique symbols provider for robust state estimation in CPS
C Combastel, A Zolghadri - International Journal of Control, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
… Apart from the probabilistic framework, Definition 6.1 has close links with affine arithmetic in
the scalar case n = 1 for which matrices with labelled columns become vectors with labelled …
the scalar case n = 1 for which matrices with labelled columns become vectors with labelled …
Tagged error: tracing numerical error through computations
N Demeure, C Chevalier, C Denis… - 2021 IEEE 28th …, 2021 -
… This extension, which we call tagged error, is inspired by affine arithmetic [12] and lets us
track the evolution, amplification or dampening, of the numerical error produced by various …
track the evolution, amplification or dampening, of the numerical error produced by various …
A Multi-objective Optimization Framework for Robust IC Parametric Yield Predication Under Process Variations
… Then considering the negative correlation between the metrics, we employ Chebyshev
affine arithmetic to formulate a multi-objective optimization model, optimize power and timing …
affine arithmetic to formulate a multi-objective optimization model, optimize power and timing …
[HTML][HTML] Verified distance computation between non-convex superquadrics using hierarchical space decomposition structures
S Kiel, W Luther, E Dyllong - Soft Computing, 2013 - Springer
… , where denoted, natural extension with affine arithmetic. The contracting tree is configured
to first evaluate the implicit function with affine arithmetic, then to construct the ILIE enclosure …
to first evaluate the implicit function with affine arithmetic, then to construct the ILIE enclosure …
Stochastic Analysis of Gas-Electricity Hybrid Grid Using Nataf Transformation Combined with Point Estimation Method
S Balaei-sani, F Jabari… - Integration of Clean and …, 2020 - Springer
… , evidence theory and affine arithmetic which are merged together are applied. In order to
deal with correlation between variables, copula theory and affine arithmetic are utilized. …
deal with correlation between variables, copula theory and affine arithmetic are utilized. …