Reliability-based probabilistic network pricing with demand uncertainty

X Yang, C Gu, X Yan, F Li - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2020 -
… Traditionally, because of the implementation simplicity, stochastic methods including
Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation [10]–[12], interval [13] and affine arithmetic (AA) [14] are typical …

[PDF][PDF] Several tests for recognizing pseudoconvexity on a restricted domain

M Hladık, LVKI Skalna - 2019 -
Affine arithmetic (reduced/revised version) …

[HTML][HTML] A clustering-based analytical method for hybrid probabilistic and interval power flow

C Wang, D Liu, F Tang, C Liu - International Journal of Electrical Power & …, 2021 - Elsevier
… In [6], the authors introduced the affine arithmetic method to formulate IPF calculation as linear
… This method provided tighter output intervals than interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic

InterFLOP, Interoperable Tools for Computing, Debugging, Validation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs

D Defour, F Févotte, S Graillat… - ISC-HPC 2021 …, 2021 -
2. OBJECTIVES Set a common platform integrating major tools of the French Floating-Point
community to tackle the FP challenges and recent evolutions of software and hardware. We …

Stochastic modeling and analysis of power systems with intermittent energy sources

M Pirnia - 2014 -
… The main focus of this thesis is on the application of the Affine Arithmetic (AA) method to
power system operational problems. The AA method is a very efficient and accurate tool to …

Power cables' thermal protection by interval simulation of imprecise dynamical systems

G Bontempi, A Vaccaro, D Villacci - IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission …, 2004 - IET
… 3.2 Affine arithmetic approach Affine arithmetic (AA) [25, 26] is a method for range
analysis known for its ability to manipulate both external (eg imprecise or missing input data, …


T Csendes, B Bámhelyi, L Hatvani -
… -processing to decrease the make the enclosures closer to the original ranges; these techniques
include the centered form and its variants, higher-order Taylor methods, affine arithmetic

[HTML][HTML] Realistic energy commitments in peer-to-peer transactive market with risk adjusted prosumer welfare maximization

V Mohan, S Bu, M Jisma, VC Rijinlal… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
… The financial risk of the operator due to uncertainties in renewable generation is modelled
using affine arithmetic in [6]. The same risk is modelled as the measure of ‘profit per unit risk’ …

[PDF][PDF] 2014 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST)

CA Shoniregun - 2014 -
… In section III is explained in details the methodology which is used for this analysis especially
affine arithmetic for making calculations with interval parameters written in general form. …

[HTML][HTML] A dynamic evolution scheme for structures with interval uncertainties by using bidirectional sequential Kriging method

Y Liu, X Wang, L Wang - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a bidirectional sequential Kriging (BSK) method for nonlinear interval
uncertainty quantification of dynamic systems. Different from existing surrogate based …