[HTML][HTML] Handling uncertainties with affine arithmetic and probabilistic OPF for increased utilisation of overhead transmission lines
… ranges of uncertainties introduced by the variations of both wind energy sources and system
loads, this paper introduces a novel optimization model, which combines affine arithmetic (…
loads, this paper introduces a novel optimization model, which combines affine arithmetic (…
Reliable computation of equilibrium cascades with affine arithmetic
A Baharev, E Rév - AIChE journal, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
… A new linearization technique, based on affine arithmetic (AA26-29), has been proposed …
bottlenecks, and to get a better understanding of affine arithmetic, and in this way to construct a …
bottlenecks, and to get a better understanding of affine arithmetic, and in this way to construct a …
[HTML][HTML] Finding all real solutions of nonlinear systems of equations with discontinuities by a modified affine arithmetic
RP Soares - Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013 - Elsevier
… A modified affine arithmetic is used in an interval Newton method plus generalized bisection…
and affine arithmetic In this section a brief introduction on interval and affine arithmetic is …
and affine arithmetic In this section a brief introduction on interval and affine arithmetic is …
An affine arithmetic-based power flow algorithm considering the regional control of unscheduled power fluctuation
L Luo, W Gu, Y Wang, C Chen - Energies, 2017 - mdpi.com
… This letter proposes an affine arithmetic-based power flow algorithm, taking into … of DGRs
as well as the corresponding affine arithmetic-based modeling methods should be studied, …
as well as the corresponding affine arithmetic-based modeling methods should be studied, …
[HTML][HTML] Affine Arithmetic-Based Reliable Estimation of Transition State Boundaries for Uncertain Markov Chains
… In order to fill that research gap, this paper presents an approach using Affine Arithmetic (AA)
to represent the uncertainties affecting the state transition probabilities and to compute …
to represent the uncertainties affecting the state transition probabilities and to compute …
[HTML][HTML] Phase stability analysis using a modified affine arithmetic
… plus generalized bisection, based on a modified affine arithmetic, is used to reliably find
all … For all the cases tested, the proposed modified affine arithmetic method was superior to …
all … For all the cases tested, the proposed modified affine arithmetic method was superior to …
Analysis of limit cycles by means of affine arithmetic computer-aided tests
JA López, G Caffarena, C Carreras… - 2004 12th European …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… i) to show that affine arithmetic is specially well-suited for quantization analysis of digital
filters; (ii) to present a new tool based on multiple precision affine arithmetic elements that allows …
filters; (ii) to present a new tool based on multiple precision affine arithmetic elements that allows …
Unbalanced three-phase distribution system power flow with distributed generation using affine arithmetic
F Xue, W Xie, P Xie, Z Pan, J Ren, Y Nie… - … on Electric Utility …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Based on the combination of interval and affine arithmetic, this paper establishes the
model of three-phase load with uncertain DGs, and proposes a threephase forward-backward …
model of three-phase load with uncertain DGs, and proposes a threephase forward-backward …
[PDF][PDF] Verification of mixed-signal systems with affine arithmetic assertions
C Radojicic, C Grimm, F Schupfer… - VLSI Design, 2013 - downloads.hindawi.com
… Beside analog domain, Affine Arithmetic models can also be used … Affine Arithmetic is
combined with the assertion-based technology. Concretely, assertions based on Affine Arithmetic (…
combined with the assertion-based technology. Concretely, assertions based on Affine Arithmetic (…
[PDF][PDF] An algorithm to reduce the number of dummy variables in affine arithmetic
M Kashiwagi - SCAN conference, Novosibirsk, 2012 - conf.nsc.ru
… Affine arithmetic has very high ability to get tight inclusion. We must introduce new
dummy variable εn+1 for each nonlinear operation. … Affine arithmetic has very high ability …
dummy variable εn+1 for each nonlinear operation. … Affine arithmetic has very high ability …