  author = {David Meyers and Shelley Skinner and Kenneth Sloan},
  title = {Surfaces from Contours},
  institution = {University of Washington},
  number = {TR 91-09-01},
  year = 1991,
  abstract = {This paper is concerned with the problem of reconstructing the surfaces of three-dimensional objects, given a collection of planar contours representing cross sections through the objects. This problem has important applications in bio-medical research and instruction, solid modeling, and industrial inspection. The problem can be broken into four subproblems, the correspondence problem, the tiling problem, the branching problem, and the surface fitting problem. We describe our system for surface reconstruction from sets of contours with respect to each of these subproblems. Special attention is given to the correspondence and branching problems. We present a method which can handle sets of contours in which adjacent contours share a very contorted boundary.}