  author = {Jack Snoeyink and Jorge Stolfi},
  title = {Objects That Cannot Be Taken Apart With Two Hands},
  institution = {CS Department, Univ. of British Columbia},
  number = {TR-93-31},
  pages = {17},
  year = 1993,
  month = oct,
  url = {ftp://ftp.cs.ubc.ca/ftp/local/techreports/1993/TR-93-31.ps},
  abstract = {It has been conjectured that every configuration {\it C} of convex objects in 3-space with disjoint interiors can be taken apart by translation with two hands: that is, some proper subset of {\it C} can be translated to infinity without disturbing its complement. We show that the conjecture holds for five or fewer objects and give a counterexample with six objects. We extend the counterexample to a configuration that cannot be taken apart with two hands using arbitrary isometries (rigid motions). Note: some figures have been omitted from the online version to save space.}